kleneway / jacob

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Improve initial user onboarding experience #52

Closed kleneway closed 2 months ago

kleneway commented 3 months ago

Improve Initial User Onboarding Experience

@jacob-ai-bot Description: We need to enhance the initial onboarding experience for new users based on their feedback. The main goals are to guide users through the minimum required steps, help them understand the basics of using JACoB, and give them an early "wow" moment. This involves creating a new onboarding Developer persona that uses the chat interface to dynamically present the required signup/connection buttons and gather the necessary info to complete the jacob.config file.


  1. Update the Signup Page:

    • Modify the signup page to collect an email address.
    • Use the email from GitHub as the default (if available) but allow users to change it.
    • If the user doesn't have an email on file, prompt them to provide one and save it to the user table.
  2. Create a New Developer Persona:

    • Develop a new Developer persona specifically for the setup process.
    • Write a scenario prompt that will:
      • Explain the basics of what JACoB does (and doesn't yet do).
      • Give the user a choice of connecting an existing repo or cloning a sample one.
      • If the user chooses an existing repo, show a button that takes them to the GitHub app installation page.
      • If the user chooses to use a sample one, clone the jacob-template repo and add it to their org. Then show the button that takes them to the GitHub app installation page and tell them to select the sample repo.
      • Ask the user if they use Figma. If they do, provide a button to redirect them to install the Figma plugin.
      • When the user returns, present a button that will check the JACoB installation status and report back whether or not JACoB was successfully installed.
      • If it is installed, show a congrats message and a button that will take them to the create-jacob-config developer experience.
      • If it is not installed successfully, give instructions on what went wrong. If it's due to an incompatible language, prompt them to install the sample repo instead. Otherwise, provide the error message with instructions to fix it and try again.
      • Mark the user as onboarded in the database.
  3. Track Onboarding Status:

    • Add a new field to the user table to track the onboarding status.
    • Implement a migration to add this new field.
  4. Dynamic Button Mechanism:

    • Improve the current mechanism for dynamically presenting buttons and gathering information from the user through the chat interface.
    • Create a Tag object with properties like tag, type (button, link), title, link?, and functionName?.
    • Develop a constant array of usable Tags that the LLM can invoke.
    • Write a utility function to convert any tags from the chat output to the corresponding tag object.
    • Pass the tag to the chat message component and dynamically render the button/link, adding a click handler to run the function or open the link.
    • Dynamically evaluate the function at runtime.

Files to Update:

Acceptance Criteria:

Steps to Address Issue: 1. Update the signup page in src/app/page.tsx to collect email addresses.

  1. Create a new Developer persona for onboarding in src/data/developers.ts.
  2. Add a new field to the user table to track onboarding status (requires database migration).
  3. Implement the dynamic button mechanism: a. Create a Tag object in src/types.ts. b. Develop a constant array of usable Tags. c. Write a utility function to convert chat output tags to tag objects. d. Update src/app/dashboard/[org]/[repo]/[developer]/components/chat/ChatMessage.tsx to use the new tag system.
  4. Test the new onboarding flow to ensure it meets all requirements.

Files to Update: src/app/page.tsx, src/data/developers.ts, src/types.ts, src/app/dashboard/[org]/[repo]/[developer]/components/chat/ChatMessage.tsx Add image upload to send screenshot data to the chat

Add Image Upload Feature to Chat Interface


Add a new button to the chat interface that allows users to upload an image. The image will be sent to the /api/image/upload API endpoint, and the returned URL will be saved and passed along with future chat messages to the backend. The uploaded images should be displayed in the chat interface immediately after upload and should be passed to the chat message api.


Acceptance Criteria:

Here is some research to help with your task:


Response from ResearchCodebase: 1. Detailed Specifications:

  1. File Structure and File Paths:

    • The chat interface component is located in the following file:
      • src/app/dashboard/[org]/[repo]/[developer]/components/chat/Chat.tsx
    • Directory Structure Overview:
      • The src/app/dashboard/[org]/[repo]/[developer]/components/chat directory contains components related to the chat interface.
  2. Code Snippets:

    • Chat Interface Component (src/app/dashboard/[org]/[repo]/[developer]/components/chat/Chat.tsx):

      export const Chat: FC<Props> = ({
      isResponding = false,
      }) => (
       className="space-between flex flex-col rounded-lg px-2 pb-8 sm:p-4"
       style={{ height: "calc(100vh - 6rem)" }}
         className="hide-scrollbar flex flex-1 flex-col overflow-y-auto"
         {messages.map((message, index) => (
           <div key={index} className="my-1 sm:my-2">
         {loading && (
           <div className="my-1 sm:my-1.5">
             <ChatLoader />
         <div ref={messagesEndRef} />
       <div className="relative left-0 mt-3 w-full sm:mt-6">
         {!isAtBottom && (
             className="absolute left-1/2 top-0 -my-14 flex h-10 w-10 -translate-x-1/2 transform cursor-pointer items-center justify-center rounded-full border border-gray-300 bg-white bg-opacity-80  transition duration-300 ease-in-out hover:bg-opacity-100"
             <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faArrowDown} size="2x" />
    • The Chat component renders the chat messages and the input field.
    • The ChatInput component is responsible for handling user input and sending messages.
    • The ChatMessage component renders individual chat messages.
  3. Styles and Themes:

    • The chat interface uses Tailwind CSS for styling.
    • The specific styles for the chat interface can be found in the src/styles/globals.css file and the tailwind.config.ts file.
    • The design follows a dark theme with blue and gray colors.
    • The chat interface is responsive and adapts to different screen sizes using Tailwind CSS's responsive utilities.

Response from ResearchCodebase: 1. Detailed Specifications:

  1. File Structure and File Paths:

    • Existing Files:
      • src/app/api/image/upload/route.ts: This file defines an API route for handling image uploads.
    • Relevant Directory Structure:
      • src/app/api/image: This directory contains API routes related to image handling.
  2. Code Snippets:

    // src/app/api/image/upload/route.ts
    import { type NextRequest, NextResponse } from "next/server";
    import {
    } from "~/server/utils/images";
    const bucketName = process.env.BUCKET_NAME ?? "";
    interface Body {
     image: unknown;
     imageType?: string;
     imageName?: string;
     shouldResize?: boolean;
    export async function POST(req: NextRequest) {
     try {
       const {
         shouldResize = false,
       } = (await req.json()) as Body;
       if (!image || typeof image !== "string") {
         return NextResponse.json(
             success: false,
             message: "Invalid image - expected base64 encoded string",
           { status: 400 },
       const verifiedImageType = imageType as IMAGE_TYPE;
       if (!imageType || !Object.values(IMAGE_TYPE).includes(verifiedImageType)) {
         return NextResponse.json(
             success: false,
             message: "Invalid imageType - expected image/jpeg or image/png",
           { status: 400 },
       let imageBuffer = Buffer.from(image, "base64");
       if (shouldResize) {
         imageBuffer = await resizeImageForGptVision(
       const imagePath = await uploadToS3(
       const url = await getSignedUrl(imagePath, bucketName);
       return NextResponse.json({ success: true, url });
     } catch (error) {
       console.log("Error uploading image", error);
       return NextResponse.json(
         { success: false, errors: [String(error)] },
         { status: 500 },
    • The codebase contains an API route (src/app/api/image/upload/route.ts) that handles image uploads. It receives a base64 encoded image, validates the image type and size, resizes the image if needed, uploads it to an S3 bucket, and returns a signed URL for the uploaded image.

    • Based on this information, the application already has a mechanism for handling file uploads, specifically for images. This existing code can be reused for the new image upload feature in the chat interface. However, additional information may be needed regarding how the frontend components should interact with this API route and how the returned URL should be integrated into the chat messages.

Response from ResearchCodebase: 1. Detailed Specifications:

  1. File Structure and File Paths:

    • File to be modified: src/app/dashboard/[org]/[repo]/[developer]/components/chat/ChatInput.tsx
    • Relevant existing file: src/app/api/image/upload/route.ts
    • Directory Structure Overview:
      • The src/app directory contains the application's frontend code.
      • The src/app/api directory houses the backend API routes.
      • The src/app/api/image/upload directory specifically handles image upload functionality.
  2. Code Snippets:

    • Example of API interaction from src/app/_components/Events.tsx:

      "use client";
      import { api } from "~/trpc/react";
      import { TaskType } from "~/server/db/enums";
      export function Events() {
      const { mutate: addMutate } = api.events.add.useMutation();
      // subscribe to new posts and add
       { org: "PioneerSquareLabs", repo: "t3-starter-template" },
         onData(event) {
           console.log("Subscription data:", event);
         onError(err) {
           console.error("Subscription error:", err);
      const onAddEvent = async () => {
         type: TaskType.command,
         projectId: 39,
         repoFullName: "PioneerSquareLabs/t3-starter-template",
         issueId: null,
         pullRequestId: null,
         userId: "cpirich",
         payload: {
           type: TaskType.command,
           exitCode: 0,
           command: "git clone",
           response: "done",
           directory: "/",
      return (
           className="rounded-full bg-white/40 px-10 py-3 font-semibold no-underline transition hover:bg-white/70"
           Add Event
    • API route for image upload from src/app/api/image/upload/route.ts:

      import { type NextRequest, NextResponse } from "next/server";
      import {
      } from "~/server/utils/images";
      const bucketName = process.env.BUCKET_NAME ?? "";
      interface Body {
      image: unknown;
      imageType?: string;
      imageName?: string;
      shouldResize?: boolean;
      export async function POST(req: NextRequest) {
      try {
       const {
         shouldResize = false,
       } = (await req.json()) as Body;
       if (!image || typeof image !== "string") {
         return NextResponse.json(
             success: false,
             message: "Invalid image - expected base64 encoded string",
           { status: 400 },
       const verifiedImageType = imageType as IMAGE_TYPE;
       if (!imageType || !Object.values(IMAGE_TYPE).includes(verifiedImageType)) {
         return NextResponse.json(
             success: false,
             message: "Invalid imageType - expected image/jpeg or image/png",
           { status: 400 },
       let imageBuffer = Buffer.from(image, "base64");
       if (shouldResize) {
         imageBuffer = await resizeImageForGptVision(
       const imagePath = await uploadToS3(
       const url = await getSignedUrl(imagePath, bucketName);
       return NextResponse.json({ success: true, url });
      } catch (error) {
       console.log("Error uploading image", error);
       return NextResponse.json(
         { success: false, errors: [String(error)] },
         { status: 500 },
    • The codebase demonstrates the use of tRPC for API interactions.

    • The src/app/api/image/upload/route.ts file provides a POST endpoint for handling image uploads.

    • The uploadToS3 function suggests that images are uploaded to an S3 bucket.

    • The getSignedUrl function likely generates a signed URL for accessing the uploaded image.

  3. API Contracts:

    • The /api/image/upload endpoint accepts a POST request with the following parameters:

      • image: The image data encoded as a base64 string.
      • imageType: The MIME type of the image (e.g., "image/jpeg" or "image/png").
      • imageName: (Optional) The desired name for the uploaded image.
      • shouldResize: (Optional) A boolean indicating whether the image should be resized before uploading.
    • The API response includes:

      • success: A boolean indicating whether the upload was successful.
      • url: The signed URL of the uploaded image if the upload was successful.
    • Error Handling:

      • The API returns a 400 status code for invalid image data or image type.
      • The API returns a 500 status code for internal server errors during the upload process.
  4. Component Breakdown:

    • The image upload feature will likely be implemented as a new component within the chat interface.
    • This component will handle:
      • Displaying the upload button.
      • Opening the file picker dialog.
      • Validating the selected image.
      • Sending the image data to the /api/image/upload endpoint.
      • Handling the API response and updating the chat message context with the returned URL.
      • Displaying error messages using toast notifications.
  5. Styles and Themes:

    • The codebase uses Tailwind CSS for styling.
    • The upload button should be styled consistently with other buttons in the chat interface.
    • The toast notifications should follow the application's existing design for error messages.
    • The component should be responsive and adapt to different screen sizes.

Based on the analysis of the codebase, the application utilizes tRPC for API interactions and provides a dedicated endpoint for image uploads. The implementation of the new image upload feature can leverage these existing patterns and conventions for consistency and maintainability. However, additional information may be needed regarding the specific implementation details of the uploadToS3 and getSignedUrl functions, as well as the desired design and styling for the new component.

Response from ResearchCodebase: 1. Detailed Specifications:

  1. File Structure and File Paths:

    • The codebase utilizes the react-toastify library for displaying toast notifications.
    • The primary file demonstrating toast notification usage is: src/app/dashboard/[org]/[repo]/[developer]/components/chat/ChatMessage.tsx.
    • Additionally, the src/app/layout.tsx file includes the ToastContainer component from react-toastify, which is necessary for rendering the notifications.
  2. Code Snippets:

    // src/app/dashboard/[org]/[repo]/[developer]/components/chat/ChatMessage.tsx
    import { toast } from "react-toastify";
    // ...
    const copyToClipboard = async (text: string) => {
     await navigator.clipboard.writeText(text);
     toast.success("Copied to clipboard");
    // src/app/layout.tsx
    import { ToastContainer } from "react-toastify";
    import "react-toastify/dist/ReactToastify.css";
    // ...
    export default function RootLayout({
    }: {
     children: React.ReactNode;
    }) {
     return (
       <html lang="en">
           className={`h-screen w-screen bg-[#1d265d] text-center font-sans leading-relaxed text-white ${poppins.variable}`}
           <ToastContainer />
    • The codebase demonstrates the use of toast.success() for displaying success messages.
    • It is likely that react-toastify also provides methods for displaying error messages, such as toast.error().
    • Further investigation into the react-toastify documentation may be needed to explore additional customization options and notification types.

Response from ResearchCodebase: 1. Detailed Specifications:

  1. File Structure and File Paths:

    • Files to be Modified:
      • src/app/dashboard/[org]/[repo]/[developer]/components/chat/ChatInput.tsx
      • src/app/dashboard/[org]/[repo]/[developer]/components/chat/index.tsx
    • Overview:
      • The chat interface is located within the src/app/dashboard/[org]/[repo]/[developer]/components/chat directory.
      • ChatInput.tsx handles user input and the "send message" button.
      • index.tsx manages the overall chat component, including message history and loading state.
  2. Code Snippets:

    • Loading State Management:

      // src/app/dashboard/[org]/[repo]/[developer]/components/chat/index.tsx
      const [loading, setLoading] = useState<boolean>(false);
      // ...
      const handleSend = async (message: Message) => {
      // ...
      // ...
      // ...
    • Data Persistence:

      // src/app/dashboard/[org]/[repo]/[developer]/components/chat/index.tsx
      const [messages, setMessages] = useState<Message[]>([]);
      // ...
      const handleSend = async (message: Message) => {
      const updatedMessages = [...messages, message];
      // ...
    • Additional Information:

      • The codebase does not explicitly show how uploaded image URLs would be persisted or passed along with chat messages. This aspect would require further implementation and potentially involve using React Context or a state management library like Redux or Zustand.
      • The current loading state management is basic and may need to be expanded to accommodate parallel image uploads.
      • The provided code snippets demonstrate the basic principles of state management in the chat interface, but a deeper understanding of the overall application architecture and data flow might be necessary for a complete implementation of the image upload feature.

Response from ResearchCodebase: 1. Detailed Specifications:

  1. File Structure and File Paths:

    • File to be modified: src/app/api/image/upload/route.ts
    • Directory structure: The src/app/api/image/upload directory contains the API route for image uploads.
  2. Code Snippets:

    if (!image || typeof image !== "string") {
      return NextResponse.json(
          success: false,
          message: "Invalid image - expected base64 encoded string",
        { status: 400 },
    const verifiedImageType = imageType as IMAGE_TYPE;
    if (!imageType || !Object.values(IMAGE_TYPE).includes(verifiedImageType)) {
      return NextResponse.json(
          success: false,
          message: "Invalid imageType - expected image/jpeg or image/png",
        { status: 400 },
    • Coding conventions: The codebase follows standard TypeScript conventions.
    • Example of similar component: The existing code in src/app/api/image/upload/route.ts provides an example of how to validate and upload images.

The codebase contains validation logic for image types (JPEG and PNG) in the src/app/api/image/upload/route.ts file. However, there is no explicit validation for file size. Additional logic will need to be implemented to validate the image size before uploading.

Response from ResearchCodebase: 1. Detailed Specifications:

  1. File Structure and File Paths:

    • The codebase does not provide explicit examples of handling multiple asynchronous operations in parallel. Further investigation is required to determine the specific implementation.
  2. Code Snippets:

    • The codebase lacks specific code snippets directly demonstrating parallel asynchronous operations. More context or specific files related to image upload or asynchronous task management are needed to provide relevant examples.

    I lack the necessary information to fully address the user's query. The codebase does not contain explicit examples or explanations of how parallel asynchronous operations are handled. To provide a more comprehensive answer, additional information is needed, such as:

    • Specific files or components related to image upload functionality.
    • Code sections dealing with asynchronous task management or queuing.
    • Documentation or comments explaining the application's approach to concurrency.

Response from ResearchCodebase: 1. Detailed Specifications:

  1. File Structure and File Paths:

    • Files to be modified:
      • src/app/dashboard/[org]/[repo]/[developer]/components/chat/ChatInput.tsx
      • src/app/dashboard/[org]/[repo]/[developer]/components/chat/ChatMessage.tsx
      • src/app/dashboard/[org]/[repo]/[developer]/components/todos/index.tsx
    • Overview of directory structure: The relevant files are located within the components directory, which is further organized into subdirectories for different parts of the application, such as chat and todos.
  2. Code Snippets:

    • Example 1 (ChatInput.tsx):

      className={`flex w-full max-w-4xl flex-col items-start rounded-lg border border-gray-600 p-4 backdrop-blur-md ${
       isResponding || loading ? "opacity-50" : ""

      This code snippet shows that the ChatInput component applies an opacity-50 class to the input area when the loading state is true. This suggests that a semi-transparent overlay might be used to indicate a loading state.

    • Example 2 (ChatMessage.tsx):

      className={`inline-flex  items-center justify-center gap-2 rounded border border-gray-400 bg-white px-6 py-2 ${loading ? "cursor-wait opacity-50 " : "cursor-pointer "}`}
      onClick={() => onCreateNewTask(messageHistory)}
      <div className="text-center text-xs font-medium text-black">
       {loading ? "Creating Issue..." : "Create New Issue"}

      This code snippet from the ChatMessage component demonstrates that a button is visually modified during a loading state. The button's text changes to "Creating Issue..." and the opacity-50 class is applied. Additionally, the cursor-wait class is used to indicate that the button is in a loading state.

    • Example 3 (todos/index.tsx):

      <div className="flex h-screen flex-col items-center justify-center space-x-2 space-y-4 border-x border-coolGray-400/20 bg-gray-900 bg-slate-50/5 text-2xl text-blueGray-500">
      <div className="flex flex-row items-center justify-center space-x-2">
       <div className="h-6 w-6 animate-bounce rounded-full bg-light-blue [animation-delay:-0.3s]"></div>
       <div className="h-6 w-6 animate-bounce rounded-full bg-pink [animation-delay:-0.15s]"></div>
       <div className="h-6 w-6 animate-bounce rounded-full bg-orange"></div>

      This code snippet from the todos/index.tsx file showcases a different visual representation of a loading state. It displays the text "Loading..." along with three animated dots that bounce using the animate-bounce class.

    • Coding Conventions: The codebase follows standard React and Tailwind CSS conventions.

    • Similar Components: The ChatLoader component in src/app/dashboard/[org]/[repo]/[developer]/components/chat/ChatLoader.tsx provides another example of a loading state, using animated dots with different colors.

    • Additional Information: The codebase provides several examples of how loading states are visually represented. However, it is unclear if there are any specific design guidelines or themes that should be followed for loading states. Further clarification or design specifications might be needed to ensure consistency in the implementation of the new image upload feature's loading state.




Questions for Project Owner:

[ ]

jacob-local-kevin[bot] commented 3 months ago

JACoB here...

You mentioned me on this issue and I am busy taking a look at it.

I'll continue to comment on this issue with status as I make progress.

jacob-local-kevin[bot] commented 3 months ago

Unfortunately, I ran into trouble working on this.

Here is some error information:

invalid input value for enum task_type: "plan step"