klenwell / covid-19

Python command-line application to collect and analyze COVID-19 data.
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OC HCA has stopped reporting Covid data. #100

Open klenwell opened 11 months ago

klenwell commented 11 months ago


On Dec 7, the OC Health Care Agency stopped reporting Covid data. Curiously, I see data reported through end of December on the OC HCA Covid page:

Screenshot from 2024-01-06 10-01-42

Expected Result

OcInfectionsExport returns most recent infection data.

Actual Result

OcInfectionsExport returns most recent infection data through 7 Dec 2023.

Steps to Reproduce

Running the infections scripts shows that latest results date to 12/7 from the OC data feed:

~/projects/covid-19$ python app.py oc infections
OC COVID-19 CSV Export

CSV Path: /home/klenwell/projects/covid-19/data/oc/daily/oc-hca-20240106.csv

· Start Date: 2020-01-22 
· End Date: 2023-12-07 
· Rows: 1416 
· Run time: 3.31 s 
klenwell commented 11 months ago

The graphs in https://www.ochealthinfo.com/services-programs/disease-prevention/diseases-conditions/covid-19-resources are loaded through an iframe with url: https://hcatableauprx.ochca.com/views/cdcd_covid/covid_dashboard

However, trying to load that url directly redirects to OC HCA home page.

I tried to block the redirect using this technique but it did not work.

curl was also unsuccessful:

~/projects/covid-19$ curl https://hcatableauprx.ochca.com/views/cdcd_covid/covid_dashboard
<title>302 Found</title>
<p>The document has moved <a href="https://hcatableauext.ochca.com/#/views/cdcd_covid/covid_dashboard">here</a>.</p>

~/projects/covid-19$ curl -k https://hcatableauext.ochca.com/#/views/cdcd_covid/covid_dashboard
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache" />
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=/cgi-bin/index.cgi" />
<body style="background-color: white">
<a style="color: black; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;" href="/cgi-bin/index.cgi">Basic Router Info</a>
klenwell commented 11 months ago

This is the data source for my current extract: https://services2.arcgis.com/LORzk2hk9xzHouw9/ArcGIS/rest/services/occovid_pcr_csv/FeatureServer/0

It lists "Last Edit Date" as 12/7/2023 7:28:59 PM.

I looked for a newer version here but came up empty: https://services2.arcgis.com/LORzk2hk9xzHouw9/ArcGIS/rest/services

I'm guessing the data for the new tableau view is not publicly exposed. :cry:

Update: it is accessible. Clicking on the graph opens a widget with a link to "view data" that leads here: https://hcatableauprx.ochca.com/vizql/v_202312305111508/javascripts/hybrid-window/min/index.html?id=1hjg1n561%24jrst-9e-lv-oj-cv4t9o&moduleId=view_data

Unfortunately, the underlying time series data is not available.

klenwell commented 11 months ago

Test positivity data is available from the CDC here:

Unfortunately, it does not break down data to county level. It only goes as far as HHS region as shown here:

Another data source that seems to break it down by lab but doesn't identify labs and rolls up data regionally to FEMA regions:

klenwell commented 10 months ago

I submitted the following message to the OC HCA contact us site: https://clients.comcate.com/newrequest.php?id=36


Is the data you use for the Test Positivity chart on your Covid page (https://www.ochealthinfo.com/services-programs/disease-prevention/diseases-conditions/covid-19-resources) publicly available? What is you source for that data?

I would appreciate it if you forwarded this question to the person responsible for handling that data.

Thank you,

My case number is 100788.

klenwell commented 10 months ago

I received the following response from the Division Director AMIII of Clinical Services Division:

The test positivity information is based on data we receive from community clinical laboratories, including hospital laboratories and outpatient clinical laboratories. We do not routinely share the raw numbers, though we may be able to accommodate requests for specific pieces of data.

Thank you for your inquiry.

I plan to reply (case #100788) with a request for the same daily data (number of tests, number of positive tests) that had been available through the public API until Dec 7th.