Providing liquidity to prediction markets cannot be done passively (need to assess interesting markets, withdraw funds before the result is known to avoid a huge impermanent loss). This yield automator would take user deposits and use them for liquidity in prediction markets. Strategies could include automatic rebalancing of positions depending on market yield/trading, removal of liquidity at a specific date or upon a specific admin trigger.
This wouldn’t interact directly with Kleros but with prediction markets using Kleros as an oracle.
Providing liquidity to prediction markets cannot be done passively (need to assess interesting markets, withdraw funds before the result is known to avoid a huge impermanent loss). This yield automator would take user deposits and use them for liquidity in prediction markets. Strategies could include automatic rebalancing of positions depending on market yield/trading, removal of liquidity at a specific date or upon a specific admin trigger.
This wouldn’t interact directly with Kleros but with prediction markets using Kleros as an oracle.