kleros / dapp-ideas

A repository for brainstorming on dapps which could use Kleros
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Inheritance #18

Open clesaege opened 3 years ago

clesaege commented 3 years ago

The will maker uses an inheritance smart contract account to store his assets (ETH, ERC20, collectibles). He designs heirs to get the funds upon death. If he doesn’t interact within some time, heirs can claim the will-maker is dead. Anyone can counterclaim that the will-maker is not dead (he may not be able to interact with the account because of some health issue such as memory loss or being in a coma). Kleros can rule about the death of the will maker (for example by looking at the death records). Funds are transferred to the heirs if the will-maker is considered dead. The will maker can also make some conditions for inheritance.