The most underrated way of increasing quality votes on Kleros disputes is to get much better at
attracting competent lawyering and making it easily accessible for either sides.
The “Find a Kleros Lawyer” Telegram chat is a good start we can go much further.
We could have a whole legal services marketplace built around that, allowing service providers to build a profile, a track record, and have it easily reachable from the court frontend.
The most underrated way of increasing quality votes on Kleros disputes is to get much better at attracting competent lawyering and making it easily accessible for either sides.
The “Find a Kleros Lawyer” Telegram chat is a good start we can go much further.
We could have a whole legal services marketplace built around that, allowing service providers to build a profile, a track record, and have it easily reachable from the court frontend.
@jaybuidl FYI