kleydon / prisma-session-store

Express session store for Prisma
MIT License
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PrismaClient is not assignable to parameter of type 'IPrisma<"session">' #100

Closed hugil closed 1 year ago

hugil commented 1 year ago

Since updating Prisma we seem to have a type error.


    "@prisma/client": "^4.1.0",
    "@quixo3/prisma-session-store": "^3.1.8",


store: new PrismaSessionStore(new PrismaClient(),
        checkPeriod: 2 * 60 * 1000,  //ms
        dbRecordIdIsSessionId: true,
        dbRecordIdFunction: undefined,

Argument of type 'PrismaClient<PrismaClientOptions, never, RejectOnNotFound | RejectPerOperation | undefined>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'IPrisma<"session">'.

hugil commented 1 year ago

I submitted a PR #101 to resolve this. The interface did only allow string as data type for my prisma session model.

jessethomson commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure what code or type changes need to be made, but I was able to get this working with type json by doing the following:


model Session {
  id        String   @id
  sid       String   @unique
  data      Json
  expiresAt DateTime

and in the middleware:

store: new PrismaSessionStore(
    // @ts-ignore
    new PrismaClient(),
        serializer: {
            // @ts-ignore
            stringify: value => value,
            // @ts-ignore
            parse: value => value,

Obviously adding ts-ignores everywhere isn't great, but it at least unblocks me (and may be helpful for others).

Essentially, I'm just disabling serialization and ignoring the fact that prisma-session-store is expecting data to be a string

kleydon commented 1 year ago

Hi @jessethomson - thanks for pointing this out.

We've actually got a PR in the works to address this, but it hasn't landed yet. Good to know you've got a work-around in the meantime, though.


kleydon commented 1 year ago

@hugil, @jessethomson - is still a problem? I'm currently using prisma 4.3.0, with prisma-session-store 3.1.9, and not encountering any type issues related to string vs. json, using:

  const sessionStore = new PrismaSessionStore(
      checkPeriod: 2 * 60 * 1000,  //ms
      dbRecordIdIsSessionId: true,
      dbRecordIdFunction: undefined,

According to Prisma's database features table, not all dbs support json as a type - which suggests that where the db is concerned, we should probably stick with the lowest common denominator (string) as the default, so as not to exclude users of unsupported dbs - even though @hugil I agree, json would provide greater type safety.

But just to double check: Are you still experiencing this issue, with the latest published versions of prisma, and prisma-session-store?

kleydon commented 1 year ago

As I'm not seeing the issue, using the examples given above, I'm going to assume this is resolved, for the moment. Feel free to post/re-open, if I'm wrong here.

pixelprogrammer commented 1 year ago

I can confirm this is happening with the following packages:

    "@prisma/client": "3.15.2",
    "@quixo3/prisma-session-store": "^3.1.10",

The error I get from eslint is the following:

typescript: Argument of type 'PrismaClient<PrismaClientOptions, never, RejectOnNotFound | RejectPerOperation | undefined>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'IPrisma<"session">'.
  Property 'session' is missing in type 'PrismaClient<PrismaClientOptions, never, RejectOnNotFound | RejectPerOperation | undefined>' but required in type 'Record<"session", { create(args: ICreateArgs): Promise<IPrismaSession>; delete(args: IDeleteArgs): Promise<IPrismaSession>; deleteMany(args?: unknown): Promise<...>; findMany(args?: IFindManyArgs | undefined): Promise<...>; findUnique(args: IFindUniqueArgs): Promise<...>; update(args: IUpdateArgs): Promise<...>; }>'.
kleydon commented 1 year ago

@pixelprogrammer - thanks; appreciate the additional "data point" here...

pixelprogrammer commented 1 year ago

Cancel that. I didn't read the documentation properly.

I forgot to add this and then do a prisma generate:

model Session {
  id        String   @id
  sid       String   @unique
  data      String
  expiresAt   DateTime

Thats what adds the session property thats missing. I am a doofus.

kleydon commented 1 year ago

No worries - the error message you posted above will almost certainly help the next person who goes down the same path.