klezVirus / inceptor

Template-Driven AV/EDR Evasion Framework
1.58k stars 260 forks source link

hi #1

Closed Mantraufo closed 3 years ago

Mantraufo commented 3 years ago

first of all thank you very much for sharing

C:\Users\LENOVO\Documents\NoteMalware>git clone --recurse https://github.com/klezVirus/inceptor.git Cloning into 'inceptor'... remote: Enumerating objects: 272, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (272/272), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (203/203), done. remote: Total 272 (delta 56), reused 272 (delta 56), pack-reused 0 Receiving objects: 100% (272/272), 15.58 MiB | 2.37 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (56/56), done. Submodule 'inceptor/obfuscators/powershell/chameleon' (git@github.com:klezVirus/chameleon.git) registered for path 'inceptor/obfuscators/powershell/chameleon' Cloning into 'C:/Users/LENOVO/Documents/NoteMalware/inceptor/inceptor/obfuscators/powershell/chameleon'... Host key verification failed. fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. fatal: clone of 'git@github.com:klezVirus/chameleon.git' into submodule path 'C:/Users/LENOVO/Documents/NoteMalware/inceptor/inceptor/obfuscators/powershell/chameleon' failed Failed to clone 'inceptor/obfuscators/powershell/chameleon'. Retry scheduled Cloning into 'C:/Users/LENOVO/Documents/NoteMalware/inceptor/inceptor/obfuscators/powershell/chameleon'... Host key verification failed. fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. fatal: clone of 'git@github.com:klezVirus/chameleon.git' into submodule path 'C:/Users/LENOVO/Documents/NoteMalware/inceptor/inceptor/obfuscators/powershell/chameleon' failed Failed to clone 'inceptor/obfuscators/powershell/chameleon' a second time, aborting

try to fix it by cloning and downloading the repositories manually, but then this problem causes the build to fail

Mantraufo commented 3 years ago

sorry I managed to fix it, just cloene the repository before running virtualenv venv