Open github-learning-lab[bot] opened 4 years ago
; (function (omidGlobal) { 'use estricto'; var k, aa = 'function' == typeof Object.defineProperties? Object.defineProperty: function (a, b, c) {a! = Array.prototype && a! = Object.prototype && (a [b] = c.value)}, m = 'undefined'! = typeof window && window === this? this: 'undefined'! = typeof global && global? global: this; function ba () {ba = function () {}; m.Symbol || (m.Symbol = ca)} var da = 0; función ca (a) {return'jscompsymbol '+ (a ||' ') + da ++}
Traditionally, JavaScript is a browser-side programming language. However, Node.js gives you the ability to run JavaScript files on the server-side. Express is a library for Node.js, that allows you to make requests to different "endpoints" and get a response back.
In this tutorial you will learn how to:
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This tutorial is interactive. Look for instructions on how to complete each step at the bottom of the issue. If the next step doesn't appear, try refreshing the page.
When you are ready to start, close this issue.