klikli-dev / occultism-feature-tracker

A repository to collect feature requests for occultism that cannot be immediately addressed, but should be kept available
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Suggestion: improved "ME-system" #17

Open Shibva opened 2 years ago

Shibva commented 2 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. 3 things that are an issue with the current ME system is that its when you do CTRL + A to select all in the search box, it will only stay highlighted for a few moments before for some reason undoing the action (unhilights the selection)

another issue that id like to address is the crafting from the storage actuator GUI, I have found myself doing the habit of quick crafting (shift click) when I dont wanna waste time dragging it out, only problem is that it also pulls any item that's in the system to craft it, making it use up some resources that you dont plan on having use up

the last issue is one that I think many can speak for, the lack of proper JEI integration when hovering over things in the "storage" section of the GUI (pressing a keybind for recipes will not work if your hovering over an item that is within the "storage lookup" part of the GUI

Describe the solution you'd like 2 of them should be self-explanatory but the second issue posted could be done in one of 2 ways or both depending on the situation

Solution 1: when grabbing recipes via JEI, it will also grab as much as it can from the storage system and puts it in the crafting grid (this solution will give indication that if you were to Shift Click that your going to craft more than one thing)

Solution 2: add a box into the GUI that when you hover over it it will tell you that if this thing is enabled that it will repeat the last give recipe (this basically is a enable/disable option to the ME grid being able to try and repeat the last recipe that you put into it) this option should not reset when you close the GUI (a toggle that will stay the same unless the person decides to toggle it) Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

Shibva commented 2 years ago

one that I forgot to mechion, Idk if this is a thing already, but having the machine operators being able to be linked to the ME system though the Wormhole mirrors would be nice, since some people like me might have their Storage Acuator somewhere else, and by that I mean across dimensions

klikli-dev commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your suggestions! these all make a lot of sense and definitely should be implemented. Currently my time does not allow for it, because while these are not major changes in terms of how things work, they do need some underlying reworks, hance this issue will be iceboxed for now - however if anyone would like to contribute such improvements they would be welcome at any time

Shibva commented 2 years ago

I tip my hat to you, Cant wait to see this working

(because I plan to have my main automation setup inside of a NEW tarids mod tardis, and when I was using the opperator to empty it into a mirror, it wasent working. but now that im thinking I might just try something to see if it works

on another note, speaking of this (typing) also reminds me of another issue that made me have to kill one of the workers. It seems like that if they go into another dimention and them back through it that you can no longer bind them, even when their in the same dim you are linking them to, putting them back in the book dosent help as well

thanks for considering these and I hope they get added soon ^w^

Shibva commented 2 years ago

while I understand some things need workarounds and major ajustments, can you at least try todo one of them? (idk if fixing the search bar would be an easy one

in fact I might add something that can help

as this workers can possably check out these boxes, that way it might be possable to check them off when they are finished or corrected

Shibva commented 2 years ago

Addional idea

you know how the ME stuff in AE2 has filters to show what certain items? why not make an upgrade for the wormhole mirror to be able to filter selected items to be displayed, that way certain wormhole mirros can be used to look up certain things. this in turn can be sueful if you want one mirror to acess certain things from the actuator, for example potion ingredients

Shibva commented 2 years ago

heres another idea that might be done hopefuly in 1.16.5

an option to disable the operators to not take items out of the inventory, useful for setups that might not work

also, maybe a way to assin what slots can be used to put and take stuff out, and maybe even more complex machine opperators that can be made wtih dinjins