klikli-dev / occultism-feature-tracker

A repository to collect feature requests for occultism that cannot be immediately addressed, but should be kept available
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Weather/time changing spirits upgrade #8

Open theboo opened 3 years ago

theboo commented 3 years ago

So the mechanic of weather/time changing is pretty neat, the only problem is, by the time the ritual is done and the spirit decays, the day is almost over or the rain has stopped already...

Suggest to make these spirits stay in world with no decay, and chuck iesnium block/ingots/nuggets/whatever at them/ put it in their inventory as payment when you want them to provide their effect. This would give them much more utility.

I am assuming the spirits like iesnium? idk haha

MuteTiefling commented 3 years ago

Give them a sunflower and brighten their little face. Hearts float above their head.

Give them prismarine and they rage and call forth storms. Eyes turn red and they throw their arms in the air like evokers. Animations would make this really fun, if possible.

Input items could be datapackable so they can be adjusted in packs.

I'd think as a default though, they'd probably enjoy offerings of things they can't obtain in their world.

klikli-dev commented 3 years ago

Definitely very cool ideas, I'll have to icebox for now as that requires a few changes to how these spirits work, but I definitely want to do it!

Shibva commented 2 years ago

maybe when changing the time of day (day/night) it could try todo it in a smoother transition between these times of day

(think of if like the DE time manipulation machine being able to change the day in a smooth yet accelerated action)

Cinderheart commented 1 year ago

One option could be to make the ritual a more pre-emptive action, where the spirit gives you an item that you can later consume to change the time or weather. The item could be anything thematically appropriate to the mod, probably a gem or otherstone trinket of some sort.

klikli-dev commented 1 year ago

Recently they have been changed to do the time change in a smooth transition over a few seconds. An item to later consume is currently not planned, as the requirement to perform the ritual when the time change should happen is a part of the balancing measure (to reduce eg griefing potential). For an extra cost this can already be achieved by capturing the summoned spirit in a soul gem and releasing it when the time change should happen

Shibva commented 1 year ago

so its transistoning viusaly now? nice!

klikli-dev commented 1 year ago

Yes, it was added in 1.62.0 - 2022-12-28