kliment / Printrun

Pronterface, Pronsole, and Printcore - Pure Python 3d printing host software
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Request: Fan speed slider and/or fan off button. #563

Open rabe- opened 10 years ago

rabe- commented 10 years ago

something i've been missing since i swiched from repetier.. especially usefull if you have to restart, and the fan keeps blowing while the bed tries to reach temperature

dlarue commented 10 years ago

in the mean time there is always the custom buttons:

macro peek_fan !global _fan !if '_fan' in globals() and _fan: !_fan = 0 M107 !if hasattr(self,"cur_button") and self.cur_button is not None: !self.onecmd('button %d "PEEK Fan on" peek_fan' % self.cur_button) !else: !_fan = 1 M106 !if hasattr(self,"cur_button") and self.cur_button is not None: !self.onecmd('button %d "PEEK Fan off" peek_fan' % self.cur_button) button 0 "PEEK Fan ON" peek_fan button 1 "PEEK Fan ON 75%" M106 S200

iXce commented 10 years ago

Yup indeed ! Custom buttons are the way to go to get just On/Off.

dlarue commented 10 years ago

not for "just" on/off, you can add a few buttons for preset PWM fan settings as the last button shown in the post shows. But if you need some kind of fine tuning for something then a knob or slider is the way to go.

kalsan commented 7 years ago

Many firmwares already support this via GCodes - you can use a macro as a workaround until the feature gets implemented: http://reprap.org/wiki/G-code#M106:_Fan_On (search for M106 S127)

Kuro-Maii commented 5 years ago

is there any progress in this feature? I ask this as I am currently trying to figure out what the lowest speed is for one of my fans to reliably start spinning from 0% doing this with a macro that takes an argument from 0 to 100 ( as slic3r uses a percent ) and am unable to figure out how to get the argument I pass into the macro into my python script