klmr / box

Write reusable, composable and modular R code
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First draft of auto-reload functionality #246

Open klmr opened 2 years ago

klmr commented 2 years ago

Work in progress implementation of #234.

The first draft includes auto-reloading for subsequent box::use calls:

Well, that’s about it for now.

Still to be done:

/cc @grst for feedback

grst commented 2 years ago

Nice! Looks really clean, although I feel I don't know enough low-level R to properly review this.

I think I can follow the code for tracking the file changes, I don't get where this actually hooks into the box::use call.

klmr commented 2 years ago

@grst The relevant changes are in loaded.r. is_mod_loaded and register_mod are invoked during the actual module loading, which is one of the steps invoked for each module loaded by box::use:


klmr commented 2 years ago

@grst I’d be grateful if you could test-drive the pull request. The implementation is pretty crude, I’m sure there are situations which I’ve overlooked in my tests, and real-world usage is necessary to improve the implementation.

To install, open R and run

install.packages('https://github.com/klmr/box/files/7192969/box_1.1.9000.tar.gz', type = 'source', repos = NULL)

… or download the archive and run the command locally.

As far as I’m aware, the code is feature complete — except no unload hook is being run. I haven’t decided yet whether to do this. Manual reload does, but honestly if a module relies on that hook then dynamic reloading isn’t going to work properly anyway in all situations.

The API is also still subject to change: I’m not happy with the current names, they’re too long for my taste. I might shorten enable_autoload to just autoload, and I would like to change on_access to something more explanatory, or shorter, or ideally both.

grst commented 2 years ago

I'll give it a try this week!

klmr commented 2 years ago

@grst You may want to hold off on testing, Iʼve already found a bug in combination with Shiny, and I havenʼt got a fix yet.

klmr commented 2 years ago

@grst OK, fixed that bug. New archive:


grst commented 2 years ago

I currently get the following error when starting my shiny app:

> shiny::runApp()
Loading required package: shiny
Error in box::use(shiny[...], shinydashboard[...], ./modules/overview,  : 
  object 'c_strict_extract' not found
(inside “`$.box$ns`(ns, ".__module__.")”)

EDIT: I installed the latest version of this branch using remotes::install_github("klmr/box@feature/auto-reload")

klmr commented 2 years ago

EDIT: I installed the latest version of this branch using remotes::install_github("klmr/box@feature/auto-reload")

Unfortunately that won’t work since I’m not checking generated code (NAMESPACE and man files) into development branches. However, the ‘remote’ (as well as ‘devtools’ and ‘pak’) packages require these files. I’m surprised the installation “worked” at all, but it seems the compiled files are missing. Please try installing the .tar.gz file instead, it contains the generated files.

grst commented 2 years ago

I see!

If I use the archive 7204838/box_1.1.9000.tar.gz from above, I can run the app, but autoreload doesnt work as expected.

For instance, in my app.R I have

  . / modules / overview,
  . / modules / gene_expression,
  . / modules / correlation,
  . / config[bar],

ui <- [...]

server <- function(input, output) {
  callModule(overview$server, "overview")
  callModule(gene_expression$server, "gene_expression")
  callModule(correlation$server, "correlation")

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

If I change something in server() of modules/gene_expression.r and click "Reload App", this doesn't change in the app. If I restart the rsession and restart the app, it does.

grst commented 2 years ago

Actually, by using box::enable_autoreload(on_access=TRUE) instead, it works :tada:

Is that expected? I thought with shiny, we wouldn't even need the on_access feature.

klmr commented 2 years ago

Ah yes, the current default mode of box::enable_autoreload() is only triggered when a box::use declaration is re-executed (that’s because this is vastly more efficient than capturing every single access).

This works if your box::use call is inside the server function, for instance, because reloading the Shiny application (via “Reload app” or by refreshing the browser window) re-executes the server function (even without restarting the session).

When it’s at file scope as in your case, you’ll need to pass on_access = TRUE to box::enable_autoreload(). This is also needed if you want to get the effect of auto-reload without reloading your Shiny application.

As mentioned, the only reason this isn’t the default currently is that it’s less efficient. However, the whole point of testing is to figure out what would be most convenient for the user: I’m more than happy to change the default behaviour if we find that that’s more appropriate. So please let me know what you think, and whether you have any ideas for a better syntax, or other configuration options you find worth having.

Incidentally, box::enable_autoreload() isn’t supposed to go into the code (that kind of defeats the purpose), but I understand that it’s convenient. I just execute it inside the console after starting the R session.

DavidJesse21 commented 2 years ago

EDIT: Sorry about the previous reply, I didn't realize you already mentioned that the specific version I have downloaded has a bug and that you provided a more recent version. I have downloaded the more recent archive file and now everything works as I was expecting :)

klmr commented 2 years ago

How useful is it to be able to configure which modules are auto-reloaded (via box::autoreload_include and box::autorerload_exclude)? I am considering dropping this functionality, and/or removing the box::*_autoreload functions in favour of having configurable R options:

… as with the box.path option, these would also be settable via environment variables (R_BOX_AUTORELOAD and R_BOX_AUTORELOAD_MODE).

Using options rather than functions to configure auto-reloading is less powerful: there’s currently no provision for excluding modules from auto-reload, and no way to enable or disable auto-reload mode inside a running R session — the ‘box’ package would have to be unloaded and reloaded before changed options would take effect.

On the flip side, I think it would simplify documentation and usage.

grst commented 2 years ago

So far, I didn't run into any situation where I'd have had to exclude certain files from autoreloading. However, one situation where I believe this could be useful is if there is a short-running function that is called many times. In that case the overhead of checking if the file was modified could become significant.

But then again, I could simply not use the on_access feature in that case.

Lastly, I find the proposed naming of the options slightly confusing: At the first glance I thought on_use equals on_access=TRUE, because it reloads "on use" of the function (but ofc it refers to box::use instead). How about on_use and on_access to make the distinction clearer?

DavZim commented 2 years ago

slightly off-topic...

I love {box} and its functionality and the auto-reload/invalidate-cache functionality would help in my use-case a lot (I currently use box inside of shiny applications). This PR would allow me to auto-reload the modules I import when the app is run (eg I change something in the module, then I would need to either refresh the session to invalidate the cache so that the latest version is loaded or use the following workaround).

A current workaround is taken from rhino where the following two-liner invalidates the whole box-cache:

loaded_mods <- loadNamespace("box")$loaded_mods
rm(list = ls(loaded_mods), envir = loaded_mods)