klokantech / kartenportal-tickets

Kartenportal.ch Project - Tickets for the Web and MapRank Search application
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Add link for earlier editions in Trefferliste #284

Open ghost opened 9 years ago

ghost commented 9 years ago

FROM:zb Sheets belonging to a map series often have earlier editions, for example http://search.kartenportal.ch/#id=055252753. When this is true, a link should be displayed in the Trefferliste called "Earlier editions of this map". See for example here http://search.kartenportal.ch/#id=258660600.

These links should be added whenever there are earlier editions of the particular sheet that belongs to a map series.

This is a new bug probably introduced because of the work on K.1.4 (#277).

klokan commented 9 years ago

I see the link to earlier editions in both mentioned records.

The two mentioned records has distinct identifier of the serie in 490$a:

I cannot see a bug in this issue report. Please be more precise on what is expected and what you see instead. Please comment, Markus.

ghost commented 9 years ago

FROM:zb Record http://search.kartenportal.ch/#id=055252753 (2012 edition) has two earlier editions, namely from 2001 and 1995. There are links to these two in the Detailansicht of the said record. However, the link "Earlier editions of this map (3)" is missing in the highlighted part in the Trefferliste. This is unlogical behaviour. See the attached screenshot to this e-mail.

I would have uploaded this screenshot already when I opened the ticket but I was unable to do so. Perhaps you could give me the respective rights.

ghost commented 9 years ago

FROM:info Unfortunately adding images is not available at the moment. Can you please send us the screenshots with a reference to ticket #284 on info@klokantech.com? Thank you

keosak commented 9 years ago

Other versions of the sheet are mentioned in the Trefferliste only if they have the same similarity (ie. bounding box) as the currently selected version. This is logical in that we don't necessarily have the information needed to display the Detailsansicht for the versions with different bounding box. Clicking on an earlier version in the Treferrliste means something else than clicking on the same version in the Detailsansicht. If you really want the same functionality at both places, this needs to be changed in the Javascript client.

ghost commented 9 years ago

FROM:zb I see. This issue needs more investigation and discussions with Kartenportal members. It should remain open because we will come back to it later (2015ff.).