klokantech / styles

KlokanTech Standard Style Library (CSS)
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Styling for kt.DateInput #4

Open petrsloup opened 8 years ago

petrsloup commented 8 years ago

We now have kt.DateInput component, which can be used to decorate input[type=date] when native support is now available (https://github.com/klokantech/javascript/commit/e30146030f65e83bf28fae13d3303974301ebf39):

http://klokantech.github.io/javascript/ (Chrome uses native control, in Firefox goog.ui.InputDatePicker instance is created by calling kt.DateInput.decorateAll('yyyy-MM-dd');)

Minor style fixes are needed for the native version (misaligned arrows?) and complete styling for the javascript version.

Original Closure Library styling for this control: https://google.github.io/closure-library/source/closure/goog/css/datepicker.css https://google.github.io/closure-library/source/closure/goog/css/inputdatepicker.css