The survey name still shows up as "GKA Monitoring" instead of "GKA School Visit"
The question on Representational Stage is missing in "GKA School Visit" survey
@brijeshpoojary In GKA School Visit Survey please remove "Don't Know" option
In "Community Survey" it should not allow multiple selection . Please refer image 1
Shridhar : I am unsure about the report generation part in offline mode. Need to discuss this tomorrow. Also, need to check the messaging "Data will be available for report generations after 24hrs" we give users.
In Teacher survey the question "How often you use the GKA math kit TLMs in your math class ? has to be "single selection" and not multi-answer selection
In Odisha GKA School Visit survey all the question shows us up as multiple selection whereas it has to be single selection.
In Odisha Community survey all the question shows us up as multiple selection whereas it has to be single selection.
@brijeshpoojary please remove "Don't Know" option from all the responses in "Odisha GKA School Visit" survey
In Teacher survey the question "How often you use the GKA math kit TLMs in your math class ? has to be "single selection" and not multi-answer selection
Many texts in Odia is garbled and we need to sit with Lipsa to resolve it. @brijeshpoojary can you help resolve this. (details attached)
ILP Konnect-Odisha_List of Issues.xlsx
For Karnataka State Selection: