klyte45 / TransportLinesManager

The TLM mod for Cities Skylines
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[FEATURE] Show boarded/alighted like IPT #251

Open iMarkeh opened 2 years ago

iMarkeh commented 2 years ago

Describe the solution you'd like When you click on a vehicle, using IPT, it shows details on how many people got on and off at the current/previous stop. I find this very useful as it helps me plan the bus network a little bit better. I of course can't monitor the whole city at once and these numbers help me to see where passengers are wanting to go (if I see for example, 80 people alighted and I work out that 50% of those waited at the bus stop for a connection, it may be worth me putting on a direct bus). It helps a lot with planning and monitoring the bus network.


Der-Orso commented 2 years ago

If possible, just to be very user-friendly, add this: Abrv: A = arriving at stop/station D = departing from stop/station P = passenger count V = vehicle capacity A and D would not need to be in the display; I've added them only for clarification.

[A] P/V, debarked, embarked (passengers beyond V, still wishing to ride the line), [D] P/V

eg 42/50, 31, 39 (63), 50/50

This would give you a very quick way to assess the status of your line at the stop. Ofc with less information you could calculate everything in your head, but why did I pay thousands of dollars for a computer, if it won't make life easier for me?