I am enjoying using WTS to bring further detail to my cities. I have several change requests that I will make separately.
I would like to request allowing the creation of two shields per highway configuration. I request this because in the USA, we have two types of sign use: independent and attached. Independent signs are used at the roadside and may identify the highway you are on or a highway that you are coming to. Attached signs appear on a larger green sign that provides other information. See the image linked below for an example. Both signs refer to the same road but are presented differently depending on the sign use. Similarly, the famous blue and red interstate shield has two different forms: the attached form just says INTERSTATE, while the independent version also has the name of the state in which the signed section is located.
Hello Leandro,
I am enjoying using WTS to bring further detail to my cities. I have several change requests that I will make separately.
I would like to request allowing the creation of two shields per highway configuration. I request this because in the USA, we have two types of sign use: independent and attached. Independent signs are used at the roadside and may identify the highway you are on or a highway that you are coming to. Attached signs appear on a larger green sign that provides other information. See the image linked below for an example. Both signs refer to the same road but are presented differently depending on the sign use. Similarly, the famous blue and red interstate shield has two different forms: the attached form just says INTERSTATE, while the independent version also has the name of the state in which the signed section is located.