km-git-acc / dbn_upper_bound

Computational effort to upper bound the de Bruijn-Newman constant as part of a Polymath project
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Using the Ht_real from the utility file #13

Closed km-git-acc closed 6 years ago

km-git-acc commented 6 years ago

The utility file should be the file imported instead of Ht_real_compute since it contains the latest version of Ht_real

sujitnair commented 6 years ago


Ah, I see. So moving forward, we should be using as the ground truth? If that is the case, can you

  1. Change the import line to "from utility import Ht_real". Ht_real is the only function being used from With "from utility import *", you end up importing everything in that module.
  2. Was some placeholder/playground file? I don't see it being used anywhere. If that is the case, can we safely delete this file?
km-git-acc commented 6 years ago

I have created another pull request with the branch fixing_Ht_Real_issues_v2 which combines the changes in both v1 and v2 branches. Have also replied there. Then this branch is not needed.