km-git-acc / dbn_upper_bound

Computational effort to upper bound the de Bruijn-Newman constant as part of a Polymath project
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Experiments with new python files 13 February 2018 #43

Closed dhjpolymath closed 6 years ago

dhjpolymath commented 6 years ago

Here is the recent output of a run of sample afe_abc_calc with input parameters z=515900 and t=.50

515900.116355... 515901.234721... 515902.382829... 515903.523178...

Compare this with the closest outputs of fast_zero_calc for t=.50 known_root=515857.5795

515900.0916 515901.2057 515902.3756 515903.499

The relative error is about 1e-7 to 1e-8.

km-git-acc commented 6 years ago

@dhjpolymath Yeah, fast zero calc uses the ridder solver in mpmath to locate roots which is based on Brent's method (a combination of bisection, secant and inverse quadratic interpolation)

It is slightly less accurate than the slow but reliable bisection method, but for root finding purposes at large heights in intervals where we have already detected a sign change, it is good enough. Moreover, the relative error between this and bisection decreases as T increases.

Also, I have already found roots between T = 500k and 600k for t=0.5 and 0.4. I can share those files with you. It would be better to run fast calc at either larger heights or for other t. Also, I would recommend not using this for low t such as 0.05 or 0.1.

A table I had posted at Terry's blog can be used to determine whats the right domain for fast calc (where the normalized stdev of zero gaps is less than 10% (lower the better)).

————-t T height—-0.50—-0.45—-0.40—-0.35—-0.30—-0.25—-0.20—-0.15—-0.10—-0.05—-0.00 ———————————————————————————————- near 10^3—21.0%—22.2%—23.4%—24.8%—26.3%—27.9%—29.7%—31.7%—33.9%—36.2%—39.2% near 10^4—13.7%—14.9%—16.7%—18.5%—19.8%—22.0%—24.4%—27.2%—30.6%—34.5%—39.9% near 10^5—-7.3%—-8.4%—-9.7%—11.2%—13.2%—15.5%—18.3%—21.8%—26.2%—32.0%—40.3% near 10^6—-4.0%—-4.7%—-5.6%—-6.9%—-8.2%—10.2%—12.9%—16.3%—21.2%—28.1%—40.7% near 10^7—-2.4%—-2.8%—-3.4%—-4.2%—-5.2%—-6.8%—-8.9%—12.1%—16.3%—23.8%—41.0%

When we want to run it for other ranges of t, T, it's better to use the slower file sample_afe...

km-git-acc commented 6 years ago

@djhpolymath Also, just as a precaution, please use the latest files in the repo (i think the fix of t>0 was applied around a week back so anything after that should be good).

km-git-acc commented 6 years ago

Also, once the zeroes are found in a certain range, its a good idea to manually compare the number of zeroes against N_t(T_max)-N_t(T_min). The difference so far has come out to be always less than 1 when the expected number of zeroes were found.