km-git-acc / dbn_upper_bound

Computational effort to upper bound the de Bruijn-Newman constant as part of a Polymath project
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Question regarding Julia scripts #6

Closed WilCrofter closed 6 years ago

WilCrofter commented 6 years ago

@km-git-acc, kind thanks for including Julia. Somewhat awkwardly for present purposes (centralized code) Julia code is typically packaged in standalone git repositories. Git, in fact, is Julia's package manager. In any case my (already lagging) Julia port of this repository's Python code is packaged in this way.

So, I wonder if I might include just Jupyter notebooks and/or scripts illustrating package installation and use in this folder, keeping the package itself in its own repo. Jupyter notebooks render nicely at Github and, like scripts, can be executed locally. Installation of the package and its dependencies is easy enough, e.g.,

julia> Pkg.clone("")

Once a package is installed, all its source code and documentation is available locally.

km-git-acc commented 6 years ago

Yeah no issues. That works.

WilCrofter commented 6 years ago

Thanks, @km-git-acc. Afterthought: if in addition to the above you fork my repo and make me a collaborator on the fork I'll keep it current for you. It would be easy enough and would colocate all the source code.

km-git-acc commented 6 years ago

Ok. Typing from my phone right now :) but will do that tomorrow.

WilCrofter commented 6 years ago

Thank you. Closing the issue.

km-git-acc commented 6 years ago

I forked your repo and made you a collaborator on the forked one. Please check on your side.

WilCrofter commented 6 years ago

Thank you. Accepted invite. We're all set.