As official mode, select the time period to be processed and click RECORD to start processing.
Note, mixing with the official SRA mode may cause unexpected errors.
Make sure the record option selects tgmain and none, use configtools to configure mPlus process.
Here to clarify,some users claim to have used the EP2 model, but the results are far from the clarity of the ep model. It turned out that their calling interface looked like this:
This just calls the official sr-bvpp, doesn't start the mPlus process task of TG-Plus, and the config.ini is not working.
Organized the wiki, please refer to it, hope it will help.
How to call TG-PLUS correctly.
As official mode, select the time period to be processed and click RECORD to start processing. Note, mixing with the official SRA mode may cause unexpected errors. Make sure the record option selects tgmain and none, use configtools to configure mPlus process.
Here to clarify,some users claim to have used the EP2 model, but the results are far from the clarity of the ep model.
It turned out that their calling interface looked like this: This just calls the official sr-bvpp, doesn't start the mPlus process task of TG-Plus, and the config.ini is not working.
Organized the wiki, please refer to it, hope it will help.