Closed mark8957 closed 1 year ago
I had this problem, I solved it by doing a clean install of JavPlayer, then installing TG-Plus into that folder. I may be wrong, but it seems to me that TecoGAN_111 doesn't play nice with ConfigTools.exe
Thank you Kattaklyzm. Your suggestion really solve the problem. Just install javplayer but not TecoGAN_111. Then install TG plus and it works fine. Anyone has this problem, please give it a trial.
Thanks Kattaklyzm. you're right. TecoGan_111 has problem. Don't install TecoGAN_111. Just install TG plus. BASICvsr++ and real esrgan are install OK. I installed JAVplayer 2.0a - TG plus- 7/13 patch - BASICvsr++ - realesrgan
Install python 3.10.11 I solved problem :)