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VARA Start False Error Message #10

Closed Mark-wb8sfy closed 11 months ago

Mark-wb8sfy commented 1 year ago

I did a fresh build of RPi4 32bit Bullseye. I then installed 73 Linux and starting selecting apps to be installed. After the install I proceeded to test. I had to do a second install attempt of the VARA apps and it work with the second install. That was a noted possibility. When ran the VARA HF and VARA FM, I got an error message "The VARA Modem FAILED to Start", but the modems did load and performed as expected. Upon examining the start-vara-fm and start-vara-hf scripts I found and an issue that had been identified several months ago. The scripts test for modem start using this piece of code PIDVARA=$(ps aux | grep -i box86 | grep -i varafm). The problem is that box86 does not show using PS. Upon testing using .wine in place of box86 things work as expected.