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Flrig will not connect to 7300 #26

Closed Axtel4 closed 1 year ago

Axtel4 commented 1 year ago

I am setting up a new machine with Linux Mint 21.2 and 73Linux. When configuring Flrig, I get the following message: Cannot open /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_CP2102_USB_to_UART_Bridge_Controll_IC-7300_02008737-if00-port0

After selecting the above USB device in the Configuration menu and clicking Init, I get the following message: Transceiver not responding! - with a number of options to try.

I have double checked the Baud Rate, and other radio settings. I able to receive audio and correctly decode FT8 from the radio to Fldigi after manually setting the radio frequency and mode.

lsusb and dmesg shows the Silicon Labs device.

Flrig / Fldigi works correctly on my R-Pi 3 HamPi with the same radio settings.

I am at a loss as to what is keeping Flrig from connecting to the radio.

Thanks in advance.

km4ack commented 1 year ago

By chance did you install the GPS software? If so, run cat /etc/default/gpsd and post the results.

Axtel4 commented 1 year ago

No GPS. I have a minimum installation at this point, Chirp, Fldigi, Flrig, Flwrap, Hamlib, JS8, and WSJTX.

Update and maybe a clue, I tried CHIRP and received the following message: [Errno 13] could not open port/dev/ttyS0:[Errno 13] Permission denied: 'dev/ttyS0'

km4ack commented 1 year ago

maybe not in the dialout & tty groups? Run groups and see if "dialout" is in that list. If not, add your user to the dialout group. Same applies to "tty"

Axtel4 commented 1 year ago

That was it. I'll leave this here in case someone else runs into this issue.

I added my username to the group with: sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER

Thank you for the help.