km4ack / 73Linux

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JS8Call not installing #87

Open km4ack opened 1 month ago

km4ack commented 1 month ago

JS8Call fails to install if WSJTX is also chosen during the build.

km4ack commented 1 month ago

second run of 73Linux with just JS8Call selected did install JS8Call. Both JS8 & WSJTX open as expected.

km4ack commented 1 month ago

Even though both appear to be installed, there is still a package conflict between the two. The only fix I have found to fix the conflict is uninstalling JS8Call. Still troubleshooting

km4ack commented 1 month ago

The fix can be found on this page

Two commands are needed to resolve though I am not sure what caused this issue to begin with

sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/wsjtx-data_2.5.4+repack-1_all.deb 
sudo apt -f install