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Conky Blank Gridsquare Condition Due to Missing Ruby Gems #94

Closed NullVibes closed 1 month ago

NullVibes commented 1 month ago

The gpsd_client and maidenhead Ruby gems are not installed during the initial build. This causes the $HOME/bin/conky/get-grid bash script to quietly fail, the /run/user/$UUID/gridinfo.txt is overwritten with no data, then creates a condition where a blank Gridsquare is displayed in Conky, even if a 3D fix can be observed with a gpsd client such as cgps.

Installing the necessary Ruby gems fixes this issue. sudo gem install gpsd_client maidenhead

km4ack commented 1 month ago

Both of those are set to be installed by these lines of code Not sure why they weren't installed on your system.

km4ack commented 1 month ago

Which platform and OS did this occur?

NullVibes commented 1 month ago

Raspberry Pi running Bookworm 64-bit

Just looked at those lines and agree there's no reason it shouldn't have installed. Connectivity hit maybe, but not sure. The lines beneath the gem install for .conkyrc seemed to have executed fine, as I typically modify that file directly to remove the Conky bar-graphs/hotspot info...

Call it a fluke, I suppose... Thanks for taking a look!

km4ack commented 1 month ago

Just out of curiosity, which version of Ruby is installed?

The code I sent before was for x86 but the same thing is coded for the Pi.

NullVibes commented 1 month ago

Spinning up a new build now to reproduce the issue. Will check/pass the Ruby version before any apt upgrade post-build. I checked the Pi version of the script, too, and didn't see an issue.

*Update: The plot thickens... Ruby wasn't installed at all during the 73 build when only Conky and GPS apps were selected. So it seems possible that some other app installed Ruby in the previous build tested, but only Conky needed those gems, and they weren't installed(?)...

NullVibes commented 1 month ago

Figured it out... Ruby version 2.7 is no longer in the repos, so that install fails, then causes the gem install to fail. Pull request #95 submitted.