Open JohnnyBlu opened 4 years ago
How embarrassing. I located the correct flag to change. In $HOME/.wl2k/config.json under "ardop" (line 51) change "ptt_ctrl": false, to "ptt_ctrl": true. Then it transmits correctly. Perhaps a flag could be set in patmenu/config to sed that line from false to true if CAT PTT is required.
Initial thought is that we can't set a variable in the pat menu config file and sed the change. This would happen every time the script is run. Maybe an if/then statement but I will have to think this through. I would have to figure out a way for the change to only happen once. The other parameters are changed during install in the build a pi script which is only run one time. For what it's worth, you can define your rig control statement in the pat menu config file. ~/patmenu/config
I've installed, which went very smooth. My rig uses CAT PTT not VOX. It appears that the script does not send the rigctl T 1 or T 0 commands to the rig. This is my rigctl statement in Patmenu Config: RIG="/usr/local/bin/rigctl -m 120 -r /dev/ttyUSB0 -s 38400 -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -P RIG". Tested from the command line it works. I tried to locate the area of the code where rigctl is called to see if I could add the commands but I have been unable to.