km4ack / pi-build
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List of Ham Radio apps #192

Open km4ack opened 3 years ago

km4ack commented 3 years ago

Just putting this here for future reference

List of Apps

km4ack commented 3 years ago

A few additional resources:

kelvin0mql commented 2 years ago

I might suggest that every time some new thing gets added to the script, that the at the root of this project get at least a one-line addition.

I was impressed that there's a thing on the desktop that... uh... says stuff that's live/pertinent.

It took me waaaaaaaay too long to figure out that's because of "conky".

Frankly, "conky" is not an immediately intuitive name for a thing.

This might all be covered in a YouTube vid, but that is insufficient. I can't Ctrl-F for "desktop" or "status" or "conky" in a video.

And, yes, I am indeed volunteering to pitch in with keeping the glossary-of-stuff-this-can-install if that's what's necessary to make this happen. With that, off I go to find out what it means that under my callsign it says Gridsquare Some err ...but nowhere in that "oh, that's cool, I wonder what THAT is" does it say "conky" (which is what started all this).