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Mobilinkd TNC3 & Pat #369

Closed KJ7RNY closed 2 years ago

KJ7RNY commented 2 years ago

I am receiving an error message with Mobilinkd and Pat Winlink. The error message "no AX.25 no ports configured" is displayed when trying to connect to RMS gateways.

When using Build-A-Pi on Rasbian Buster the TNC worked with Pat. Since upgrading to Bullseye it no longer works.

I followed the instructions in the Pi Zero Project::Mobilinkd Winlink video. Everything works from 8:20 to 13:10 in the video (bluetooth pairing, rfcomm bind command, kissattach command). When I attempt the command 'sudo kissparms -c 1 -p wl2k' I receive the "no AX.25 no ports configured" error.

Current setup: Raspberry Pi 4, Rasbian Bullseye, KM4ACK build-a-pi, Mobilinkd TNC3, Icom IC-705.

The /etc/ax25/axports file reads: wl2k 1200 255 7 Winlink

km4ack commented 2 years ago

Have you tried starting the mobilinkd modem with Pat Menu? That feature is still in beta but most have reported success when using it.

KJ7RNY commented 2 years ago

Yes. I am on PatMenu v2.5.0. I am beginning to suspect an issue with the TNC3 on Rasbian Bullseye. I am able to make a RMS gateway connection using the TNC3 and Patmenu on a fresh install of Rasbian Buster and Build-a-pi. When I use my current Rasbian Bullseye install with Patmenu the mobilink script completes but I am unable to make RMS gateway connections.

The mobilink script is successfully creating the /dev/rfcomm0 serial connection. When the mobilink script completes I am opening the Pat GUI. When I go to connect to a gateway this is what is in the log for Pat:

Log using Bullseye 2022/01/13 09:16:01 QSY failed: unable to get rig frequency: dial tcp connect: connection refused 2022/01/13 09:16:23 Connecting to KG7ARL-10 (ax25)... 2022/01/13 09:16:23 Unable to establish connection to remote: No AX.25 ports configured

Log using Buster 2022/01/13 11:57:49 Unable to get frequency from rig my-rig: dial tcp connect: connection refused. 2022/01/13 11:57:49 Starting HTTP service ( 2022/01/13 12:03:53 Connecting to KG7ARL-10 (ax25)... 2022/01/13 12:04:38 Unable to establish connection to remote: Dial timeout 2022/01/13 12:13:13 Connecting to KG7ARL-10 (ax25)... 2022/01/13 12:13:58 Unable to establish connection to remote: Dial timeout 2022/01/13 12:14:50 Connecting to KG7ARL-10 (ax25)... 2022/01/13 12:14:53 Connected to KG7ARL-10 via WTANKS (AX.25) [WL2K-5.0-B2FWIHJM$] ;PQ: 01520896 CMS via KG7ARL >

FF FQ 2022/01/13 12:15:02 Disconnected.

KJ7RNY commented 2 years ago

Issue resolved with a fresh install of Raspian Bullseye and Build-a-pi.