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Pat Setup with KPC 3+. #486

Open apelouze opened 1 year ago

apelouze commented 1 year ago

I want to configure Pat to work with a KPC 3+ to FT-8800 via data port. Telnet connections works; I have Pat and AX25 installed.

I have played with the setting to no avail. Can I be pointed to a tutorial walking through hardware TNC and Pat configuration?

Thanks for the help!

Aaron KD6FLM

SpudGunMan commented 1 year ago

you might be missing rigctl/hamlib

apelouze commented 1 year ago

Rig control is not an option on that radio. I install the package to see, no change.

I have Rig control set to No in Pat settings; in the Pat Connect to remote node page, the freq has a red line through the box. I am guessing that the software still thinks it has control of the radio.

SpudGunMan commented 1 year ago

I missed the KPC3+ hardware TNC comment for some reason .. you need to fix that device to control your PTT

apelouze commented 1 year ago

I have the cable wired per the diagram; I can connect to local packet stations.

SpudGunMan commented 1 year ago

you likely want to ask in the PAT user areas, check out this thread on topic. the biggest issues is AX25 is slowly melting on the linux subsystems.

apelouze commented 1 year ago
