kmaragon / Konscious.Security.Cryptography

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Library still doesn't work where key size < hash size #1

Closed kmaragon closed 8 years ago

kmaragon commented 8 years ago

Running the tests will expose examples of this.

In cases where the key size = the hash size, everything works as expected

kmaragon commented 8 years ago

I'm still investigating this... but not as actively since my current use case is where key size == hash size

kmaragon commented 8 years ago

The initial tital said, "Library still doesn't work where (key size % hash size) != 0".

That's a lie. It actually works fine where key size >= hash size. My tests were just wrong

kmaragon commented 8 years ago

Nope... that's still wrong. There are existing tests that check that and those pass just fine. It's specifically the 128 bit key and the 16 bit key tests that are failing

kmaragon commented 8 years ago

Ok. All lies. The tests were wrong again