kmaragon / Konscious.Security.Cryptography

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Is this library still actively maintained? #48

Closed Insomniak47 closed 2 years ago

Insomniak47 commented 2 years ago

Hey All,

Just checking in before I make a PR but is this lib still maintained? It seems like the last set of changes was a number of years ago. Is this lib still the blessed dotnet implementation of the Argon algos?

I've got a few perf changes that I have to clean up and get in but I just want to make sure the lib is still maintained before I start at that.

All the best, Chris

I've got a few things that I'd like to contrib if possible (I can split them into separate issues if that's useful)

ezekielnewren commented 2 years ago

I can't speak for the author, but I'd like to use this library. I need it to work with .NETFramework,Version=v4.0 because I'm adding a feature to KeeAgent that will allow it to read PPKv3 files, and it requires Argon2.

kmaragon commented 2 years ago

It's on break at the moment. I'm crushed under the weight of life at the moment. I expect to have some semblance of a normal life in late 2022 to start getting to some things in this lib. But first and foremost, a perf suite would be so incredibly welcome. So I'd definitely like to see that first.

I was looking forward to doing some perf updates when I have a life again. I think the tooling for Linux has drastically improved since I last had any time to work on this. But as long as said perf suite justifies any perf changes, they're very welcome.

Insomniak47 commented 2 years ago

@kmaragon Sorry to hear that. I'll have to port some of my changes over from a fork we made internally (in order to leverage some of the memory features). As well I'll have to bring some of it more in line with the style of the rest of the lib but I'll try in the early new year to toss something up.

I should, however be able to bring a perf suite over (and I also have a test harness that runs it against the python impl to ensure I haven't broken anything) before that.