kmartinez / dgpstracker2

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Getting Real-time GPS data displayed on OLED Display #13

Open sua-dev opened 1 year ago

sua-dev commented 1 year ago

A useful feature is to have the real-time GPS data visually displayed on the 128x64 OLED Featherwing. It's a handy option to act as an interface for the boards to physically see what kind of data we are getting outside, rather than plug in a laptop.

sua-dev commented 1 year ago

Currently managed to get something showing up on the display. Most measurements are static at the moment as I don't have a GPS board connected at the moment. Would be handy to show the actual results updating live on the board. A suggestion to have an opportunity to get the readings written in the filesystem in real-time stated in #10 whilst seeing measurements updating at the same time requires multiple threads. asyncio is a library that the guys introduced and have written a library specifically to run on I2C. Hopefully, this should come in useful for this multithreaded operation.