kmartinez / dgpstracker2

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Significant delay to getting fixed mode #9

Closed sua-dev closed 1 year ago

sua-dev commented 1 year ago

Currently, there seems to be a huge delay when attempting to get a fix on the antennas' locations. Hooking up everything seems fine, though this might have some technical problems with us trying to achieve a fixed mode from the base's end and sending corrections across to the rover. I'm going to try a few strategies to debug this issue: [ ] Move the rover antenna around to ensure that your results don't interfere with factors such as placement near trees - should it be placed on top next to the base? [ ] open u-center and try to fiddle around with the software with both GPS boards using: [ ] configuration files [ ] TMODE3 to achieve survey-in and set up a fixed position [ ] additional debugging on the REPL would be ideal as well

sua-dev commented 1 year ago

Just did a quick check on the REPL and realised that radio_uart on the base isn't sending anything to the rover. I hope it isn't a hardware issue as everything seems to be connected correctly...

sua-dev commented 1 year ago

All working now - took less than 30s - just some loose connections with the UART pins, mainly the RF modules.