kmatheussen / radium

A graphical music editor. A next generation tracker.
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FR: (Possible at all??) ---> AudioMulch Style Snapshot Automation #1015

Open Lykdraft opened 7 years ago

Lykdraft commented 7 years ago

Hey there,

a pretty heavy FR which I really hope is possible at all. It is so awesome to work with this automation style. (apps that already have it are AudioMulch, was the first, Usine Hollyhock 3 (I am in closed beta, but will drop soon) and Liveprofessor2.

Also, automation in Radium is still a little bit clunky. Especially because you can't move/copy/paste automation easily around in the sequence editor.

The idea would be to use the Sequence Editor to recall the presets A-H, which is good because the slots are already there. Just need interpolation I guess... (Plugin Chunks should be ignored. LP2 for example has an option to ignore them. Better for Samplers and bigger stuff. I think the best would be to just recall the slider values in the Instrument Editor.)

Take a look. I think you can immediately imagine how extremely (!!) powerful this is.

( I am 100% confident that this is the future of automation. Especially with an option to smoothly interpolate inbetween two preset in a specific time, like LP2 does. That is a gamechanger for sure.)

Best, tL.

am presetsnapshotautomation

kmatheussen commented 7 years ago

It's doable for changing parameters only stored in a/b (i.e. those you can automate), but loading samples, changing vst program, and other things (all of which are stored in a/b) is very hard to switch in realtime without risking gap in sounds and other artifacts.

Lykdraft commented 7 years ago

loading samples, changing vst program, and other things (all of which are stored in a/b) is very hard to switch in realtime without risking gap in sounds and other artifacts.

I know and that's also what I said. I specifically said that chunks should not be recalled and vst presets also not, especially with sampers... ;)

Like you can see in the gif, AM2 also only recalls the AM2 internal presets, which are stored in an internal presetlist format per modular module.

Lykdraft commented 7 years ago

(But also has another pretty advanced thing which is called the "Metasurface", maybe also interesting for you.... ---> )

Stuff like this is what I meant by the way. Despite the fact that AM is single core, 32bit only, bug-ridden and pretty much stalled development some years ago, it still has a lot of hardcore fans because of a lot of novelty features that boost the creative process... With "creative process" unfortunately still lacking completely in Radium. (Radium feels more like a surgeons scalpel, not like a painting canvas if you know what I mean, despite the looks that would suggest otherwise...:) )

AM might be worth a good look anyways, because in some parts Radium weirdly feels quite similar. Also interesting is stuff in AM which streamlines the modular workflow like an option for swapping two modules. Like this command, which swaps two modules in the signal flow in one go: (1st becomes 2nd, and 2nd becomes 1st. Good timesaver....)


kmatheussen commented 7 years ago

I know and that's also what I said. I specifically said that chunks should not be recalled and vst presets also not, especially with sampers... ;)

Sorry, I overlooked that.

(But also has another pretty advanced thing which is called the "Metasurface", maybe also interesting for you.... ---> )

I implemented the same thing for Radium last year, but couldn't get the mathematics perfect (think it got something to do with not getting perfect interpolation both when having two pointer and having more than two points, plus getting clean parameters when the point is placed right on top of an a/b point), and after a while I ended up only with the simple a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h thing instead. Audiomulch (and others who provide similar interfaces) probably do compromises.

With "creative process" unfortunately still lacking completely in Radium.

On the other hand, I'm pretty sure no other DAW-like software has faust, pd, and support for two extension languages. I think what you are asking for is ready-made things to do create processes. There's lots of rooms for 3rd parties to develop things. Right now it's more important for me to fix some bugs and crush some interface frustrations.

Lykdraft commented 7 years ago

I implemented the same thing for Radium last year, but couldn't get the mathematics perfect (think it got something to do with not getting perfect interpolation both when having two pointer and having more than two points, plus getting clean parameters when the point is placed right on top of an a/b point), and after a while I ended up only with the simple a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h thing instead. Audiomulch (and others who provide similar interfaces) probably do compromises.

Ah, what a shame.

On the other hand, I'm pretty sure no other DAW-like software has faust, pd, and support for two extension languages.

Proves my "is more like a surgeon's scalpel" point... ;) Not sure if this will ever catch up with novices or even intermediates or "simple musicians" though.

(Hell, I am pretty good with Usine Hollyhock and Plogue Bidule, what is considered arcane by a lot of people I know but Faust/PD are even too esoteric for me... :) )

I think what you are asking for is ready-made things to do create processes.

Not really. But I feel like our priorities what an App should or should not necessarily be able to do when making music are just very different.

Best, tL.

kmatheussen commented 7 years ago

Ah, what a shame.

I might dig up the old code though. When I'm totally into something, I blow up minor problems. When looking at it with an outsiders eyes (which I have now), it's easier to be more practical.

kmatheussen commented 7 years ago

Proves my "is more like a surgeon's scalpel" point... ;) Not sure if this will ever catch up with novices or even intermediates or "simple musicians" though.

The new extension language GUI system that has been implemented the last half year should make the development much faster. Things like the mixer strips and the plugin manager was implemented very quickly because of this. There's a good chance of much higher development speed in new features from now on.

Lykdraft commented 7 years ago

I might dig up the old code though. When I'm totally into something, I blow up minor problems. When looking at it with an outsiders eyes (which I have now), it's easier to be more practical.

Very cool. Worth another shot for sure.

There's a good chance of much higher development speed in new features from now on.

Sounds good.

Best, tL.