kmcclive / tricycle

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Translate Tricycle to French #118

Open kmcclive opened 3 years ago

kmcclive commented 3 years ago

As a French-speaking user, I want Tricycle to have French translations so that I don't need to know English to use the app.

docgonzo2015 commented 3 years ago

I tried using Visual Studio Code / win 10 to compile it, but it didn't really work. Without an error it just hangs. Visual Studio 2019 takes too much hdd space for me and I guess there is no other way to work with the source?

kmcclive commented 3 years ago

@docgonzo2015 From what I've read, it's not very practical to build a WPF/Xamarin app without Visual Studio. I think you can technically do it with MSBuild, but it's not recommended. The only other alternative I came across was the Rider IDE from JetBrains, but that's not free and might require just as much storage.

docgonzo2015 commented 3 years ago

I tried rider and it works fine.

docgonzo2015 commented 3 years ago

I wanted to start translating the texts; they are spread out crosswise at the moment. Will it stay like this, or should I wait?

kmcclive commented 3 years ago

I don't quite understand your question. If you are asking about how the text is in multiple files, and whether we would want to consolidate them for translations, I think the answer is yes. For what you volunteered to help with, I could either create an issue to consolidate the English phrases ahead of time or I could provide you with a file containing all the text needed to be translated. Do you have a preference? Thanks for looking into this.