kmeisthax / Forum9000

Symfony-based forum software
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Homepage (forum listing) #6

Closed kmeisthax closed 6 years ago

kmeisthax commented 6 years ago

Right now, if you go to the homepage of a Forum9000 install, you're greeted with a nice red Symfony error message. It should instead produce a listing of forums on the site.

If #4 is implemented, then it may be prudent to treat the homepage as just another kind of forum. This would require some way of designating a particular forum as the root of a site; perhaps by abusing #5 if that gets implemented. This would give us the advantage of being able to create multiple root forums and tie them to different domains for multisite forum hosting. Note that we wouldn't be able to cross-link subforums across multiple domains without some serious rework to existing plans for permission inheritance.

kmeisthax commented 6 years ago

Implemented homepage as a dedicated page that lists forums that have a NULL parent. We don't necessarily have a mechanism for site wide database configuration, so the mechanism to nominate a forum as homepage doesn't exist. Furthermore, homepage forums only make sense in two configurations:

We'll likely keep Homepage as a custom template. This means we'll also be able to theme the homepage separately and have it list root forums as categories, much like how Zetaboards does it. Remember Zetaboards?