kmes055 / AutoDrawer

Capstone project in dept. of CS. Application for designers, artists using TextureGAN, DisgoGAN
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Please upload contents of milestone 2 #43

Closed kmes055 closed 4 years ago

kmes055 commented 4 years ago

Same as milestone 1, I need to know all of contributor's milestone status and some stuffs including photos about what you did.

Please upload your contents as comments

hacking-racoon commented 4 years ago

Because it was a mid-term exam period, as we decided, there were not much for Milestone. So I have done other tasks.

Changing the Development Environment

I changed my development environment from Android Studio to React Native Expo To be compatible. So I studied React Native, and re-implemented modules.

Server Authentication

I was going to control access from external device by using Kakao Login API, However, Kakao API doesn't running in expo environment. I am solving this problem, but it is not working well... I will use one of these solutions.

File transfer

I re-implemented that in React Native Expo with expo-image-picker & expo-permissions.

To implement in RN Expo was much more easier than Android Studio. However, I had some troubles on uploading, now that were solved.

these error were solved by checking server log file. I learned a lot about that.

Idea sketch for connection with server.

However I still have technical difficulties for file_receive_transfer. That is. 'How to know whether the conversion is done or not?'

I will solve this problem with async function. and socket network.

And.... i will send you images for PPT through your e-mail now. Thank you!

yellow2041 commented 4 years ago

이번주까지 완료한 부분

  1. home화면 레이아웃 완료(메뉴바 제외)
  2. 각각 버튼(Sketch, Pattern, Go!)과 연결되는 화면 완료

    해결해야 할 것들

  3. 오른쪽 위 메뉴를 클릭하면 메뉴바가 슬라이딩 되면서 나타나도록 하고 싶은데 이 기능을 navigation중 createDrawerNavigation으로 구현하는데 이미 createStackNavigation을 쓴 상태임.

    두 개의 함수?가 같은 메인 app파일 안에서 돌아가지 않아서 현재 함수로만 구현한 것을 class로 바꾸거나 구글링을 좀 더 해봐야 할 것 같음

  4. Go!버튼을 누르면 사진을 변환할 때 나타나는 진행바에 진행률을 넣고 싶은데 어떤 방식으로 진행률을 받아와야 할 지 모르겠음

    프로젝트가 더 진행되면 그 때 구현하기로.

  5. 메인 화면 뜨기 전까지 잠깐 비출 로딩화면도 생각해야 함.
kmes055 commented 4 years ago
