kmesh-net / kmesh

High Performance ServiceMesh Data Plane Based on Programmable Kernel
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The number tag of config_type fields in Filter proto can not exceeds 3. #702

Closed yuanqijing closed 3 days ago

yuanqijing commented 1 month ago

Please provide an in-depth description of the question you have: Hi, I was trying to add a local_rate_limit field inside the Filter message.

message Filter {
  string name = 1;
  oneof config_type {
    filter.TcpProxy tcp_proxy = 2;
    filter.HttpConnectionManager http_connection_manager = 3;
    filter.LocalRateLimit local_rate_limit = 4;

After running make gen, the config_type_case field obtained in eBPF is 0, but I expect it to be 4. Additionally, I noticed that if the number tag of any fields is set to >= 4, config_type_case always shows 0 in C side. I would like to know how to solve this or this is a bug. Below is a test code to reproduce it.

apiFilter := &listener_v2.Filter{}
fn := func() {
  buf, err := proto.Marshal(apiFilter)
  if err != nil {
    log.Errorf("proto.Marshal failed: %v", err)
  convertToPack := func(buf []byte) *C.uint8_t {
    return (*C.uint8_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]))
  cmsg := C.listener__filter__unpack(nil, C.size_t(len(buf)), convertToPack(buf))
  klog.Infof("listener__filter__unpack: %v", spew.Sdump(cmsg))
klog.Infof("test local rate limit")
apiFilter.ConfigType = &listener_v2.Filter_LocalRateLimit{}
klog.Infof("test tcp proxy")
apiFilter.ConfigType = &listener_v2.Filter_TcpProxy{}
klog.Infof("test http connection manager")
apiFilter.ConfigType = &listener_v2.Filter_HttpConnectionManager{}

What do you think about this question?:


nlgwcy commented 1 month ago

You can view the xDS models supported by kmesh in the code repository. Currently, kmesh supports filter.TcpProxy and filter.HttpConnectionManager.

yuanqijing commented 1 month ago

You can view the xDS models supported by kmesh in the code repository. Currently, kmesh supports filter.TcpProxy and filter.HttpConnectionManager.

yes, i was trying to enhance kmesh with ratelimit feature, describe in the config should place in Filter proto. But i found some problems(may be a bug) here.

yuanqijing commented 1 month ago

The problem i want to know here is "the number tag of any fields is set to >= 4, it always shows 0 on ebpf side".

yuanqijing commented 1 month ago

@nlgwcy is there any documentation / instruction on how to add a new field ? i just define a new field, make gen and add struct in lds cache, what else should i do?

tacslon commented 1 month ago

@yuanqijing Have you tried to add some logs in newApiFilterAndRouteName() to see if it works properly?

nlgwcy commented 1 month ago

Proto has a grammar error? I can add LocalRateLimit to tcp_proxy.proto.

// tcp_proxy.proto
package filter;
option go_package = ";filter";
message LocalRateLimit {
  string share_key = 4;

message TcpProxy {
  // cluster based on weights.
  message WeightedCluster {

// listener_components.proto
message Filter {
  string name = 1;
  oneof config_type {
    filter.TcpProxy tcp_proxy = 2;
    filter.HttpConnectionManager http_connection_manager = 3;
    filter.LocalRateLimit local_rate_limit = 4;

make gen: api/v2-c/listener/listener_components.pb-c.h

typedef enum {
} Listener__Filter__ConfigTypeCase;
yuanqijing commented 1 month ago

@nlgwcy @tacslon Thanks, still not work, i will dig more into this, and provide more information here.

tacslon commented 1 week ago

I have reproduced in oneof config_type of message Filter, also in oneof cluster_specifier in message RouteAction by adding a new field:

  oneof cluster_specifier {
    // Indicates the upstream cluster to which the request should be routed to.
    string cluster = 1;
    // Multiple upstream clusters can be specified for a given route. The
    // request is routed to one of the upstream clusters based on weights
    // assigned to each cluster.
    WeightedCluster weighted_clusters = 3;
+   string test = 4;

Then print the case is 0, which should be 4:

cluster_specifier_case: (main._Ctype_Route__RouteAction__ClusterSpecifierCase) 0,
tacslon commented 1 week ago

Try to update protoc-c verison to 1.5.0. If still not works, see what envoy does

yuanqijing commented 4 days ago

Try to update protoc-c verison to 1.5.0. If still not works, see what envoy does

upgrade protoc-c verison to 1.5.0 still not works.

hzxuzhonghu commented 4 days ago
message Filter {
  string name = 1;
  oneof config_type {
    filter.TcpProxy tcp_proxy = 2;
    filter.HttpConnectionManager http_connection_manager = 3;
    filter.LocalRateLimit local_rate_limit = 4;

Where do you define LocalRateLimit , i have changed the filter.LocalRateLimit to filter.HttpConnectionManager or simply string, make gen succeeded

yuanqijing commented 4 days ago
message Filter {
  string name = 1;
  oneof config_type {
    filter.TcpProxy tcp_proxy = 2;
    filter.HttpConnectionManager http_connection_manager = 3;
    filter.LocalRateLimit local_rate_limit = 4;

Where do you define LocalRateLimit , i have changed the filter.LocalRateLimit to filter.HttpConnectionManager or simply string, make gen succeeded

Where do you define LocalRateLimit \=\=\= I defined in api/filter/local_ratelimit.proto. Here is my definition:

syntax = "proto3";

package filter;
option go_package = ";filter";

message LocalRateLimit {
  int64 bucket = 1;

make gen succeeded \=\=\= In my case make gen also succeeded but the data from GO to C is not correct, you can verify it through replace the code below in daemon/main.go:

package main

// #cgo pkg-config: api-v2-c
// #include "deserialization_to_bpf_map.h"
// #include "listener/listener.pb-c.h"
import "C"
import (

    listener_v2 ""

func main() {
    // debug
    dig := func(msg proto.Message) {
        buf, err := proto.Marshal(msg)
        if err != nil {
            klog.Errorf("proto.Marshal failed")
        cMsg := C.listener__filter__unpack(nil, C.size_t(len(buf)), (*C.uint8_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])))
        klog.Infof("cMsg: %v", spew.Sdump(cMsg))
    test := &listener_v2.Filter{}
    test.ConfigType = &listener_v2.Filter_LocalRateLimit{}

    test.ConfigType = &listener_v2.Filter_TcpProxy{}

    test.ConfigType = &listener_v2.Filter_HttpConnectionManager{}

    time.Sleep(60 * time.Second)

it outputs cluster_specifier_case: (main._Ctype_Route__RouteAction__ClusterSpecifierCase) 0 for case LocalRateLImit.

yuanqijing commented 3 days ago

@tacslon I think i found the reason, the cgo using gcc to compile *.h files, where the using clang which may have conflicts. I compile daemon/go using CC=clang CXX=clang++ the problem solved.

root@vagrant:/app# docker run -it sh
sh-5.2# go env
Okabe-Rintarou-0 commented 3 days ago

would you write a fix pr? I've also met this problem.

yuanqijing commented 3 days ago

would you write a fix pr? I've also met this problem.

sure, i'll create a pr after testing on my machine.

yuanqijing commented 3 days ago

@tacslon @hzxuzhonghu hi, i have create a pr #836, can anyone review on this ?