kmichael500 / planarian

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Need to add or modify fields in database #153

Open Greenman126 opened 6 months ago

Greenman126 commented 6 months ago

Below I have summarized the Fields and Tags that need to be modified/added

Database Modifications MapStatusTag NumberOfPits EntranceDescriptionTag AlternateNameTags GeologicAgeTag PhysiographicProvinceTag (people tag) CartographerNameTag (people tag) Physiographic ProvinceTag BiologyTag ArcheologyTag HydrologyTag (combine both hydrology tags) OtherTags

ReportedBy (people Tag)



Physiographic Province is supposed to be added, but could we do this as a derived value based on location and bounding boxes we create?



Entrance fields Hydrology and Hydrology Frequency fields can be combined into just hydrology.


Location Verification

Greenman126 commented 6 months ago

Howard suggested we add an "Alternate Names" field in the database

I think this is a good idea. If we made a field called alternate names, can we fill it with "Tags" sort of like we do elsewhere? Then, could we link it so that if you search for a cave name, it'll also search through the alternate names?