kmiya-culti / RLogin

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Creates duplicate entry in Termnames #53

Closed byeonlab closed 4 years ago

byeonlab commented 4 years ago

Creates duplicate entry in Termnames

Originally posted by @pseudorandomID in

This is the bug that I've already mentioned (please refer to the link above).

As you can see from the link, I fixed it by removing two lines. I wonder if this fix violates any of coding convention of the project or breaks the architecture of the program.

If this fix is allowed, I would like to create a pull request with my fix.

kmiya-culti commented 4 years ago

修正したつもりでいましたが、2.25.1のバージョンに入れ忘れました。 ご報告有り難うございます。

I intended to fix it, but I forgot to put it in the 2.25.1 version. Thank you for your report.