kmmbvnr / django-jenkins

Plug and play continuous integration with django and jenkins
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Add documentation for pipeline Jenkinsfile syntax support #352

Closed GabLeRoux closed 7 years ago

GabLeRoux commented 7 years ago

I tried to integrate this into my pipeline job on jenkins. See #351 for most recent documentation :books:. ;)

I'd like to add description on how to use this plugin with the new jenkins pipeline syntax.

There is this pull request on cubertura to add support for coverage.xml from pipeline.

I also commented on where I described how to use and use clover instead of cobertura as a temp workaround, but it failed on my side.

Here's how I managed to get coverage.xml and junit.xml to work in jenkins: I cloned (pipeline branch, that's the pr 55 above), compiled the plugin:

git clone
cd cobertura-plugin
mvn install

This generated the .hpi plugin which I installed from Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins -> Configure Plugins -> Advanced and installed Cobertura plugin from there.

My app name is in PROJECT_APPS tuple as requested by django-jenkins. Here's what my Jenkinsfile looks like:

try {
sh '''
  #!/usr/bin/env sh
  source venv/bin/activate
  python jenkins --enable-coverage
currentBuild.result = 'SUCCESS'
} catch(Exception err) {
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'

// Cobertura test coverage
step([$class: 'CoberturaPublisher', coberturaReportFile: 'reports/coverage.xml'])

// JUnit test results
step([$class: 'JUnitResultArchiver', testResults: 'reports/junit.xml'])

Everything seems to work fine: image

But there's one thing left I'm still fighting with, I created an issue on Cobertura's side: I'd be very happy if someone has an idea on this!

ahmed1490 commented 7 years ago


SalahAdDin commented 7 years ago


kmmbvnr commented 7 years ago

Till we have a support from the Jenkins side, it can't be fixed by django-jenkins

GabLeRoux commented 7 years ago

The commits done here:

Should fix the covertura problem I had in jenkinsci/cobertura-plugin#61 when using jenkinsfile, and I still think it'd be great to improve documentation as I managed to get this working, but it's not docuemnted anywhere. ;)

kyrsideris commented 7 years ago

Just a small change when building the Cobertura modified plugin, don't forget to checkout the pipeline branch:

git clone
cd cobertura-plugin
git checkout pipeline
mvn install


SalahAdDin commented 7 years ago

So good

ctssatish commented 6 years ago

i am using Jacoco plugin for code coverage its showing 0.0% coverage in Sonar UI, I am using Jenkins pipeline jobs by using Groovy script