Open jinyistudio534 opened 9 months ago
W5500 (Ethernet) MISO -19 MOSI - 23 SCK - 18 SS - 33 RST - 12 (init this pin to HI) MCP23S08 (GPIO Expander) MISO -19 MOSI - 23 SCK - 18 SS - 32 Both ICs are connected to the SPI bus, so make sure that when you use (Ethernet), you keep the SS pin of the (GPIO Expander) high.
my version is PRONDino ESP32 V1.02. now, My w5500 driver is work ! I want to control w5500 and MCP23S08 at the same time. Is there anything I should pay attention to ?
There is nothing special.
I want to driving toyr w5500 with my driver code as following void init(uint8_t sck_pin, uint8_t miso_pin, uint8_t mosi_pin, uint8_t ss_pin); // extension for M5Stack ATOM
can you tell me your esp32 wroom-32d gpio number for w5500 ? I want to driving it