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The W5500 gpio number about PRODINo ESP32 Ethernet ? #4

Open jinyistudio534 opened 9 months ago

jinyistudio534 commented 9 months ago

I want to driving toyr w5500 with my driver code as following void init(uint8_t sck_pin, uint8_t miso_pin, uint8_t mosi_pin, uint8_t ss_pin); // extension for M5Stack ATOM

can you tell me your esp32 wroom-32d gpio number for w5500 ? I want to driving it

kmpelectronics commented 9 months ago

W5500 (Ethernet) MISO -19 MOSI - 23 SCK - 18 SS - 33 RST - 12 (init this pin to HI) MCP23S08 (GPIO Expander) MISO -19 MOSI - 23 SCK - 18 SS - 32 Both ICs are connected to the SPI bus, so make sure that when you use (Ethernet), you keep the SS pin of the (GPIO Expander) high.

jinyistudio534 commented 9 months ago

my version is PRONDino ESP32 V1.02. now, My w5500 driver is work ! I want to control w5500 and MCP23S08 at the same time. Is there anything I should pay attention to ?

kmpelectronics commented 9 months ago

There is nothing special.