Open kmpm opened 9 years ago
Original comment by Misha Kononov (Bitbucket: makononov, GitHub: makononov).
You assume I have a vision... :) The main reason I haven't promoted it more is because I wasn't convinced it was in a releasable state. I had intended to do some more work to get it there, but life intervened and I'm not spending as much time playing E:D as I used to. I think if I can crank out a couple of the big issues - like the installer, icon, and 'VerboseLogging' detection, I'd be comfortable letting people know about it more.
1) Careful. Absolutely, and I don't have a clear vision of how I would like it.
2) For contributing... You are welcome. Took me a while to find this project though... I just spent LOADS of time googling to find this but kept going because I was conviced that someone had the same itch as I did. You need to promote this better and perhaps make a TODO document or something that describes your vision about this.
Original report by me.
I don't know about you but I would like to see some kind of plugin system to let, for example, a change in station trigger a fetch of current prices from or something and report that back in some format that could be displayed on the MFD.
I might try to implement this myself but I just thought I should add a issue about it.