kmpoppe / noteSolver

JOSM Plugin: Automatically resolve notes after uploading a changeset.
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Select hashtag for closing notes #26

Open angoca opened 1 year ago

angoca commented 1 year ago

I have seen that in Serbia, they use hashtags to provide meaningful actions on the notes. They describe why the note is still open, if it is irrelevant, etc.

They have used tags as can be seen here: image

The original table with the meaning of the hashtag is here:

It will be interesting to have an option in NoteSolver that allows you to close a note by selecting hashtags or providing a comment without closing the note, all from this tool.

daganzdaanda commented 1 year ago

Yes, that would be an awesome addition!

kmpoppe commented 1 year ago

I will implement this using a new context-menu entry and a dialog. The user will be able to pick the tag they want to use, additionally, the comment will be added as well for explicitly describing what the user is expected to do.

Tag Comment Ask for closure Default closure
#added Note was used to create a new object. Y Y
#fixed, #updated Note was used to update the map by the same user that is closing the note. #fixed is used if errors are corrected, #updated is used if data is updated with new or fresh information. Y Y
#already_fixed, #already_updated Information from the note is already on the map so there is no need for an update. Y Y
#need_more_info Note does not contain enough information to allow updating the map. Please provide more details. N  
#not_enough_info Note does not contain enough information to allow updating the map and no more details were provided upon request. Y N
#not_on_ortophoto, #seems_nonexisting Object cannot be seen on orthophotos so it cannot be entered properly. Please provide a photo URL or link to an orthophoto. N  
#inacurrate_location Location is not precise, cannot determine where the object is or to which object the note is related. Please provide a precise location. N  
#survey_me Note is not precise or clear. Clarification is possible only by an in-person visit and surveying of the location. Volunteers for a visit are welcome. N  
#need_confirmation There is the possibility that the note is not accurate or up to date. Confirmations by anyone are welcome. N  
#will_do_survey The user commenting with this tag plans to do the requested survey of the location. N  
#note_to_self This note is created by a user and meant to be used later by themselves. Others should ignore this note. The user will close the note when they finished updating the map. N  
#fix_note_to_self This note was marked using tag #notetoself but was not resolved within a month. Please take the time to fix your own note. N  
#too_old This note is older than 12 years and unresolved. It is not certain that the information is still valid. Volunteers for surveying are welcome. Y N
#do_it_yourself, #cannot_be_solved_remotely There's not enough information for this note to be closed remotely, so the user that opened the note is requested to update the map themselves. This is not applicable to notes provided by anonymous users. N  
#irrelevant Note contains information that is not useful or irrelevant for updating the map. Y Y
#should_stay_open If a note is reopened put this in a comment along with an explanation of why it should stay open. N  
mnalis commented 1 year ago

Hm, it should be (it is in common use already for a long time) #surveyme and not #survey_me (I haven't checked the other hashtags if they match that documented in that thread on the community forum)

kmpoppe commented 1 year ago

I shall be checking for "established" usages before implementing this, thanks Matija!

angoca commented 1 year ago

In LatAm, we reviewed this list, and we created a similar table in the OSM wiki: