kmturley / political-compass

Example quiz plotting users' economic and social answers on a chart
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Inaccuracy with the compass itself, design, labelling #1

Open ProletarianBanner opened 2 years ago

ProletarianBanner commented 2 years ago

You incorrectly classify Communism as "Authoritarian" Communism involves a stateless, classless, moneyless society with common ownership of the means of production and production for need rather than profit and the utilization of a gift economy, "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need." Marx opposed state oppression and was a victim of it himself having been kicked out of various European nations and made stateless by monarchs! What you call "Communism" is only Socialism, the countries which you call "Communist" are/were only Socialist and thus merely in the transitionary stage between Capitalism and Communism. The countries which you call "Communist" were most likely Marxist-Leninist which is a form of Socialism particularly State Socialism where the means of production are primarily controlled by the state which is still a better alternative to the means of production being owned by a minority of corporations and wealthy elite. Socialism involves collective ownership of the means of production by the workers who work the workplaces except for the exception I had mentioned.

kmturley commented 2 years ago

If it were a detailed political compass, I would've shown many sub-ideologies like this image: political-compass

However I wanted to keep it a simple political compass (less accurate, but quicker to complete).

I used a chart from this page:

Political_spectrum_Eysenck "Diagram of the political spectrum according to Hans Eysenck"

As there are many forms of authoritarian left. I am open to naming it National Communism if that better represents the extreme?

ProletarianBanner commented 2 years ago

The political compass you used as an example is not a good example as National Socialism is NOT Socialism and is actually a right-wing ideology and a form of Fascism which is highly Capitalistic and Nationalistic.

Communism is very libertarian left as it involves a stateless society, the difference between it and anarcho-communism is how it is achieved, Communists believe in achieving a stateless society through a transitioning stage known as Socialism and the eventual dissolution of state whereas anarchists want an immediate abolition of state as opposed to an eventual dissolution. Even the phrasing "National Communism" is oxymoronic and erroneous as Communism involves a stateless society and is quite cosmopolitan.

Totalitarianism is not a left wing system of government, but rather one that can lean on both economic sides, thus the image should show it on both sides like with Authoritarianism.

Socialism is not specifically auth-left nor lib-left but rather can be both so it would be in the center of the line spilling into both libertarian and authoritarian quadrants.

Liberalism is not centrist but rather a right-wing ideology, thus that image should show it in the libertarian-left quadrant.

Anarchism and ultra-anarchism would actually be left-wing ideologies as private property and businesses can NOT exist without a state, and in an anarchist society they would be commonly owned, thus making it leftist, this is precisely why anarcho-capitalism is an oxymoron and is not a real system, the only true anarchism that can be executed is left-wing, because anarcho-capitalism would bring back a return to feudalism.

Progressivism would also be a little to the left on the political compass, but mostly around the center and definitely more libertarian.

Now about the test that you had made, I am still not sure on what you should label the farthest left and most authoritarian ideology, but I know it should definitely NOT be Communism that is placed there as it is far libertarian.

ProletarianBanner commented 2 years ago

Perhaps just remove the ideologies labelled in the corners all together and only leave the authority and economic axis labels, or just remove the "Communism" label, all though that would make it less "symmetrical" seeming and a bit odder. Removing the ideology labels would make it a lot more like the original political compass as well however.

kmturley commented 2 years ago

The ideologies are the main reason for the political compass. You answer questions in order to understand which ideology you closest align to. Removing them would make the tool useless!

I'm open to suggestions for new labels, but I need you to give a reference to a reputable source which explains why ideologies are mapped as they are.