knadh / listmonk

High performance, self-hosted, newsletter and mailing list manager with a modern dashboard. Single binary app.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
14.73k stars 1.35k forks source link

Getting error field "subscriber_count" doesn't exist when sorting for "Subscribers" in Lists view #1900

Open lmmendes opened 3 months ago

lmmendes commented 3 months ago


Description of the bug and steps to reproduce:

On the "Lists" page when clicking on sort "Subscribers" column I get the following error error fetching lists: column "subscriber_count" does not exist.


Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 09 50 02


I'm not a Go developer and I will try to get a better understanding of the query bellow and how this code connects with the model, once I have that understanding I will try to open a pull-request for the issue.

knadh commented 3 months ago

hm, I'm unable to reproduce this locally. In production though, please use the tagged release instead of master which is bleeding edge.

lmmendes commented 3 months ago

Did the following:

 docker pull listmonk/listmonk
> docker images listmonk/listmonk:latest

REPOSITORY          TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
listmonk/listmonk   latest    b4602d730116   4 months ago   25.3MB

Run the docker-compose.yml using:

docker compose up demo-app

Still got the error in a fresh installation:

Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 13 21 23

Screenshot from the logs tab:

Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 13 24 39

Will try to run from released tag in a couple of hours.

lmmendes commented 3 months ago

Checkout of the v3.0.0 release

git checkout tags/v3.0.0 -b v3.0.0

Building of the application

make dist
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o listmonk -ldflags="-s -w -X 'main.buildString=v3.0.0 (#f9120d9 2024-06-18T13:36:57+0000)' -X 'main.versionString=v3.0.0'" cmd/*.go

Setting up the database:

listmonk-knadh (v3.0.0) ✔ ./listmonk --install
2024/06/18 14:37:30 main.go:102: v3.0.0 (#f9120d9 2024-06-18T13:36:57+0000)
2024/06/18 14:37:30 init.go:150: reading config: config.toml
2024/06/18 14:37:30 init.go:289: connecting to db:
** first time installation **
** IMPORTANT: This will wipe existing listmonk tables and types in the DB 'listmonk' **
continue (y/N)?  y
2024/06/18 14:37:32 install.go:179: setup complete
2024/06/18 14:37:32 install.go:180: run the program and access the dashboard at localhost:9000

Running listmonkhand having the same issue with the error fetching lists: pq: column "subscriber_count" does not existsee the log:

➜ listmonk-knadh (v3.0.0) ✔ ./listmonk
2024/06/18 14:37:35 main.go:102: v3.0.0 (#f9120d9 2024-06-18T13:36:57+0000)
2024/06/18 14:37:35 init.go:150: reading config: config.toml
2024/06/18 14:37:35 init.go:289: connecting to db:
2024/06/18 14:37:35 init.go:618: media upload provider: filesystem
2024/06/18 14:37:35 init.go:541: loaded email (SMTP) messenger:
⇨ http server started on
2024/06/18 14:37:42 lists.go:51: error fetching lists: pq: column "subscriber_count" does not exist
2024/06/18 14:37:43 lists.go:51: error fetching lists: pq: column "subscriber_count" does not exist
2024/06/18 14:37:44 lists.go:51: error fetching lists: pq: column "subscriber_count" does not exist
lmmendes commented 3 months ago

@knadh were you able to reproduce the issue?

The following query seemed to fix the issue on my side, what do you think about it?

-- name: query-lists
WITH ls AS (
    SELECT COUNT(*) OVER () AS total, lists.* FROM lists WHERE
        WHEN $1 > 0 THEN id = $1
        WHEN $2 != '' THEN uuid = $2::UUID
        WHEN $3 != '' THEN to_tsvector(name) @@ to_tsquery ($3)
        ELSE TRUE
    AND ($4 = '' OR type = $4::list_type)
    AND ($5 = '' OR optin = $5::list_optin)
    AND (CARDINALITY($6::VARCHAR(100)[]) = 0 OR $6 <@ tags)
statuses AS (
        COALESCE(JSONB_OBJECT_AGG(status, subscriber_count) FILTER (WHERE status IS NOT NULL), '{}') AS subscriber_statuses
    FROM mat_list_subscriber_stats
    GROUP BY list_id
status_sums AS (
             SUM((value)::INTEGER) AS subscriber_count
         FROM statuses, jsonb_each_text(statuses.subscriber_statuses)
         GROUP BY list_id
SELECT ls.*, COALESCE(ss.subscriber_statuses, '{}') AS subscriber_statuses
    FROM ls 
        LEFT JOIN statuses ss ON ( = ss.list_id) 
        LEFT JOIN status_sums sts ON ( = sts.list_id)
    ORDER BY %order%;

This section is what I added to the original query-lists query:

status_sums AS (
             SUM((value)::INTEGER) AS subscriber_count
         FROM statuses, jsonb_each_text(statuses.subscriber_statuses)
         GROUP BY list_id

Edit: Clarified what was the change introduced in the original query-lists query.

knadh commented 3 months ago

@knadh were you able to reproduce the issue?

Strange. Unable to reproduce this on master or v3.0.0. I'm running Postgres v14.10.

@ (~listmonk) ● (HEAD detached at v3.0.0)                                                                                        
$ make build                                                                                                                                                              
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o listmonk -ldflags="-s -w -X 'main.buildString=v3.0.0 (#f9120d9 2024-06-19T05:09:51+0000)' -X 'main.versionString=v3.0.0'" cmd/*.go

@ (~listmonk) ● (HEAD detached at v3.0.0)                                                                                        
$ ./listmonk --install --yes                                                                                                                                              
2024/06/19 10:39:57 main.go:102: v3.0.0 (#f9120d9 2024-06-19T05:09:51+0000)
2024/06/19 10:39:57 init.go:150: reading config: config.toml
2024/06/19 10:39:57 init.go:289: connecting to db: localhost:9432/listmonk
2024/06/19 10:39:57 init.go:206: unable to initialize embedded filesystem (no ID found in the file). Using local filesystem
2024/06/19 10:39:57 init.go:228: loading i18n files from: i18n
2024/06/19 10:39:57 init.go:248: loading static files from: static

** first time installation **
** IMPORTANT: This will wipe existing listmonk tables and types in the DB 'listmonk' **
2024/06/19 10:39:57 install.go:179: setup complete
2024/06/19 10:39:57 install.go:180: run the program and access the dashboard at

@ (~listmonk) ● (HEAD detached at v3.0.0)                                                                                        
$ ./listmonk                                                                                                                                                              
2024/06/19 10:39:59 main.go:102: v3.0.0 (#f9120d9 2024-06-19T05:09:51+0000)
2024/06/19 10:39:59 init.go:150: reading config: config.toml
2024/06/19 10:39:59 init.go:289: connecting to db: localhost:9432/listmonk
2024/06/19 10:39:59 init.go:206: unable to initialize embedded filesystem (no ID found in the file). Using local filesystem
2024/06/19 10:39:59 init.go:228: loading i18n files from: i18n
2024/06/19 10:39:59 init.go:248: loading static files from: static
2024/06/19 10:39:59 init.go:618: media upload provider: filesystem
2024/06/19 10:39:59 init.go:541: loaded email (SMTP) messenger:
⇨ http server started on [::]:9000

PS: Tried the same with make dist as well.

lmmendes commented 3 months ago

@knadh Here are the tests that I done:

Version of the local repository:

commit f9120d9b80b1d0d86f27e3f23edfb2ffe6f5b091 (HEAD -> v3.0.0, tag: v3.0.0)

Built version of monklist:

monklist version=v3.0.0 (#f9120d9 2024-06-18T13:36:57+0000)


PostgreSQL Docker Image PostgreSQL Version Status
postgres:13-alpine PostgreSQL 13.13 on aarch64-unknown-linux-musl, compiled by gcc (Alpine 13.2.1_git20231014) 13.2.1 20231014, 64-bit Issue found
postgres:14.10-alpine PostgreSQL 14.10 on aarch64-unknown-linux-musl, compiled by gcc (Alpine 13.2.1_git20231014) 13.2.1 20231014, 64-bit Issue found
postgres:latest PostgreSQL 16.1 (Debian 16.1-1.pgdg120+1) on aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 12.2.0-14) 12.2.0, 64-bit issue found

Test methodology

To run the database I updated the docker-compose.yml and simply changed the database version:

x-db-defaults: &db-defaults
  image: postgres:14.10-alpine <--- changed this line with the image from the table above
    - "9432:5432"
    - listmonk
    - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=listmonk
    - POSTGRES_USER=listmonk
    - POSTGRES_DB=listmonk
  restart: unless-stopped
    test: ["CMD-SHELL", "pg_isready -U listmonk"]
    interval: 10s
    timeout: 5s
    retries: 6

Before each test destroyed the Docker image including data and started a new instance using:

docker compose rm demo-db -f
docker compose up  demo-db

Installed the new database models and run the same build using:

./listmonk --install

All runs gave the same issue when trying to sort the "Subscriptions" in the List view:

> listmonk-knadh (v3.0.0) ✗ ./listmonk
2024/06/19 09:29:37 main.go:102: v3.0.0 (#f9120d9 2024-06-18T13:36:57+0000)
2024/06/19 09:29:37 init.go:150: reading config: config.toml
2024/06/19 09:29:37 init.go:289: connecting to db:
2024/06/19 09:29:37 init.go:618: media upload provider: filesystem
2024/06/19 09:29:37 init.go:541: loaded email (SMTP) messenger:
⇨ http server started on
2024/06/19 09:29:40 lists.go:51: error fetching lists: pq: column "subscriber_count" does not exist
2024/06/19 09:29:40 lists.go:51: error fetching lists: pq: column "subscriber_count" does not exist
Screenshot 2024-06-19 at 09 38 12
knadh commented 3 months ago

This is really strange. I compiled the exact same commit you've listed above with make dist, ran it against Postgres 14.10-alpine, installed, ran, and visited the subscribers page. It works fine.

$ ./listmonk --version                                                                                                                                                    
v3.0.0 (#f9120d9 2024-06-19T11:09:07+0000)

Also, v3.0.0 is the last prod version that's been running in tens of thousands of installations since its release.


Jalmeida1994 commented 3 months ago

Hey there,

We're also encountering the same issue with the "subscriber_count" field not existing when trying to sort by "Subscribers" in the Lists view.

Description of the bug and steps to reproduce:

On the "Lists" page, when clicking to sort the "Subscribers" column, we receive the following error:

error fetching lists: column "subscriber_count" does not exist

Steps we have tried to resolve the issue:

  1. Initial Setup:

    • Cloned the repository using:
      git clone
    • Started the services with:
      docker compose up

    Despite following these steps, we encountered the issue.

  2. Running Binary Directly:

    • Built the Listmonk binary and ran it locally, but the issue persisted.
  3. Architecture Considerations:

    • My machine is an arm64 architecture too. To rule out architecture-specific issues, we deployed Listmonk to a cluster with x86 nodes and ran PostgreSQL on x86 nodes as well. However, the issue still persisted.
  4. Branch and Version:

    • Tried using the master branch.
    • Tried using the v3.0.0 tagged branch.
    • Ensured that the image version running on the cluster was v3.0.0 as well.

Environment Details:

Given that the issue is reproducible across different environments and architectures on our end, we're wondering if there's a specific configuration or step we might be missing.

lmmendes commented 3 months ago

@knadh I'm also flabbergasted with the issue and I feel your pain! For me it's super strange this being happening on my end and you not able to reproduce it. The thing that concerns me and that "enhances the feeling" that I'm doing something wrong is that it seems that no one else reported the issue other than @Jalmeida1994 that works with me.

As @Jalmeida1994 said, could this be a "build" configuration that could be affecting our builds, I mostly dismiss that angle since we are having the issue even the the official docker images.

Meanwhile I did some testing but was not able to get any conclusion since found what feels to me another issue in the sorting of version v2.5.1.

I did a regression test with v2.5.1 and the sorting of Subscribers in the List view doesn't break but also doesn't seem to be sorting correctly.

Meaning that I don't get the error, but it doesn't seem to be counting all users that are subscribed to the list but most probably just looking to the confirmed ones.

Steps for testing

git checkout tags/v2.5.1 -b v2.5.1
➜ listmonk-knadh (v2.5.1) ✔ make dist
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o listmonk -ldflags="-s -w -X 'main.buildString=v2.5.1 (#a6a2b69 2024-06-20T07:59:28+0000)' -X 'main.versionString=v2.5.1'" cmd/*.go
go: downloading v4.0.0+incompatible
go: downloading v4.10.2
docker compose up demo-db
listmonk-knadh (v2.5.1) ✔ ./listmonk --install --yes
2024/06/20 09:01:39 main.go:102: v2.5.1 (#a6a2b69 2024-06-20T07:59:28+0000)
2024/06/20 09:01:39 init.go:145: reading config: config.toml
2024/06/20 09:01:39 init.go:273: connecting to db:

** first time installation **
** IMPORTANT: This will wipe existing listmonk tables and types in the DB 'listmonk' **
2024/06/20 09:01:39 install.go:179: setup complete
2024/06/20 09:01:39 install.go:180: run the program and access the dashboard at localhost:9000
listmonk-knadh (v2.5.1) ✔ ./listmonk
2024/06/20 09:11:39 main.go:102: v2.5.1 (#a6a2b69 2024-06-20T07:59:28+0000)
2024/06/20 09:11:39 init.go:145: reading config: config.toml
2024/06/20 09:11:39 init.go:273: connecting to db:
2024/06/20 09:11:40 init.go:593: media upload provider: filesystem
2024/06/20 09:11:40 init.go:517: loaded email (SMTP) messenger:
⇨ http server started on

Observations / issue

Sorting from the lower to higher subscriber number (the "Opt-in list" with 4 subscribers stays in the middle, with 4 subscribers).

Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 09 11 59

Sorting from the higher to lower subscriber number (the "Opt-in list" with 4 subscribers stays in the middle, with 4 subscribers).

Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 09 12 03

After changing the "opt-in" in the "Opt-in list" to "Single opt-in"

Sorting from the lower to higher subscriber number (the "Opt-in list" with 4 subscribers stays in the middle, with 4 subscribers).

Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 09 13 38

Sorting from the higher to lower subscriber number (the "Opt-in list" with 4 subscribers stays in the middle, with 4 subscribers).

Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 09 13 41
knadh commented 3 months ago

Yep, the sorting bug was fixed in v3.0.0 -

benstaf commented 3 months ago

I have the same issue "Error fetching Lists: pq: column "subscriber_count" does not exist" in v3.0.0 on Repocloud

Screenshot_2024-06-28-15-11-55-576_com android chrome-edit

lmmendes commented 2 months ago

@benstaf are you still experiencing the issue, can you give a bit more context about the issue:

  1. what version of the app are you running
  2. whats the PostgreSQL version
  3. is this a clean install, or have you upgraded across versions of listmonk
benstaf commented 2 months ago

I am using v3.0.0 on Repocloud:

Error is still here

lmmendes commented 2 months ago

@knadh any thoughts on how to proceed on this?

knadh commented 2 months ago

Sorry, missed this. I've a setup locally that installs the very first version of listmonk (pre-alpha) and runs every subsequent version with --upgrade until the latest one. If there are any issues in the schema or queries, this helps catch.

I've been unable to reproduce OP's issue in our prod setup or in this test setup. The subscribe_count field comes from a materialized view which is created during install:

The error can only happen if that materialized view isn't created (which --install surely does), which is only possible if that's somehow been deleted from the DB. Puzzling.

lmmendes commented 2 months ago

The issue is very bizarre.

Looking at you shared, regarding the materialized view, I have it and everything seems fine.

Screenshot 2024-07-23 at 00 29 37

From the issue that I get from the browser:

{"message":"Error fetching Lists: pq: column \"subscriber_count\" does not exist"}

Error from the Database (docker compose output):

listmonk_demo_db   | 2024-07-22 23:42:03.652 UTC [37891] ERROR:  column "subscriber_count" does not exist at character 737
listmonk_demo_app  | 2024/07/22 23:42:03 lists.go:51: error fetching lists: pq: column "subscriber_count" does not exist
listmonk_demo_db   | 2024-07-22 23:42:03.652 UTC [37891] STATEMENT:  WITH ls AS (   SELECT COUNT(*) OVER () AS total, lists.* FROM lists WHERE CASE WHEN $1 > 0 THEN id = $1 WHEN $2 != '' THEN uuid = $2::UUID WHEN $3 != '' THEN to_tsvector(name) @@ to_tsquery ($3) ELSE TRUE END AND ($4 = '' OR type = $4::list_type) AND ($5 = '' OR optin = $5::list_optin) AND (CARDINALITY($6::VARCHAR(100)[]) = 0 OR $6 <@ tags) OFFSET $7 LIMIT (CASE WHEN $8 < 1 THEN NULL ELSE $8 END) ), statuses AS ( SELECT list_id, COALESCE(JSONB_OBJECT_AGG(status, subscriber_count) FILTER (WHERE status IS NOT NULL), '{}') AS subscriber_statuses FROM mat_list_subscriber_stats GROUP BY list_id ) SELECT ls.*, COALESCE(ss.subscriber_statuses, '{}') AS subscriber_statuses FROM ls LEFT JOIN statuses ss ON ( = ss.list_id) ORDER BY subscriber_count desc;

I imagine that the query that is been run doesn't expose the subscriber_count in order to have it searchable, and that you are serializing in a future step to provide the subscriber_countto the view.

This is your original query, with some minor modifications so that I could run just for this case:

WITH ls AS (
    SELECT COUNT(*) OVER () AS total, lists.* FROM lists WHERE TRUE
     statuses AS (
             COALESCE(JSONB_OBJECT_AGG(status, subscriber_count) FILTER (WHERE status IS NOT NULL), '{}') AS subscriber_statuses
         FROM mat_list_subscriber_stats
         GROUP BY list_id
     status_sums AS (
             SUM((value)::INTEGER) AS subscriber_count
         FROM statuses, jsonb_each_text(statuses.subscriber_statuses)
         GROUP BY list_id
SELECT ls.*, COALESCE(ss.subscriber_statuses, '{}') AS subscriber_statuses
         LEFT JOIN statuses ss ON ( = ss.list_id)
         LEFT JOIN status_sums sts ON ( = sts.list_id)
ORDER BY created_at DESC;

This is what I get:

total id uuid name type optin tags description created_at updated_at subscriber_statuses
2 2 4909585a-c472-49b8-afff-3f4197dd651c Opt-in list public double {test} 2024-07-16 21:26:03.282474 +00:00 2024-07-16 21:26:03.282474 +00:00 {"unconfirmed": 1}
2 1 632b0f4c-4db1-44cf-9153-3a5ff4d1e7a1 Default list private single {test} 2024-07-16 21:26:03.280067 +00:00 2024-07-16 21:26:03.280067 +00:00 {"unconfirmed": 1}

But once I add sts.* to the SELECT ls.*, COALESCE(ss.subscriber_statuses, '{}') AS subscriber_statuses part of the query I'm now able to filter for the field, meaning that having this:

SELECT ls.*, sts.*, COALESCE(ss.subscriber_statuses, '{}') AS subscriber_statuses

Now returns this:

total id uuid name type optin tags description created_at updated_at list_id subscriber_count subscriber_statuses
2 2 4909585a-c472-49b8-afff-3f4197dd651c Opt-in list public double {test} 2024-07-16 21:26:03.282474 +00:00 2024-07-16 21:26:03.282474 +00:00 2 1 {"unconfirmed": 1}
2 1 632b0f4c-4db1-44cf-9153-3a5ff4d1e7a1 Default list private single {test} 2024-07-16 21:26:03.280067 +00:00 2024-07-16 21:26:03.280067 +00:00 1 1 {"unconfirmed": 1}

I'm dropping this here just as a quick and dirty reference to see if it helps nudge us on what could be the issue, but can't still explain why this happens to us, and not to you.

More towards the end of the week I will try to do a more "scientific" approach, understanding how can I do step-by-step debuging of the code and then report here any findings.

lmmendes commented 1 month ago

Hi @knadh,

Unfortunately, the past couple of weeks have been quite busy, so I haven't been able to make any progress until today.

I’m still unable to run the service without encountering the same issue, which has left me just as puzzled as you are. If you’d like, we can schedule a call to align our efforts.

To restate my issue, I’m encountering the following error message when I try to "sort" the list by "Subscriber":

error fetching lists: pq: column "subscriber_count" does not exist

This seems to be happening because the query being executed doesn't expose the subscriber_count attribute in the SELECT statement.

-- name: query-lists
WITH ls AS (
    SELECT COUNT(*) OVER () AS total, lists.* FROM lists WHERE
        WHEN $1 > 0 THEN id = $1
        WHEN $2 != '' THEN uuid = $2::UUID
        WHEN $3 != '' THEN to_tsvector(name) @@ to_tsquery ($3)
        ELSE TRUE
    AND ($4 = '' OR type = $4::list_type)
    AND ($5 = '' OR optin = $5::list_optin)
    AND (CARDINALITY($6::VARCHAR(100)[]) = 0 OR $6 <@ tags)
statuses AS (
        COALESCE(JSONB_OBJECT_AGG(status, subscriber_count) FILTER (WHERE status IS NOT NULL), '{}') AS subscriber_statuses
    FROM mat_list_subscriber_stats
    GROUP BY list_id
SELECT ls.*, COALESCE(ss.subscriber_statuses, '{}') AS subscriber_statuses
    FROM ls LEFT JOIN statuses ss ON ( = ss.list_id) ORDER BY %order%;

Interestingly when I change the query and add SUM(subscriber_count) as subscriber_count to the statuses sub-query everything works just fine. With me able to sort the Lists.

-- name: query-lists
WITH ls AS (
    SELECT COUNT(*) OVER () AS total, lists.* FROM lists WHERE
        WHEN $1 > 0 THEN id = $1
        WHEN $2 != '' THEN uuid = $2::UUID
        WHEN $3 != '' THEN to_tsvector(name) @@ to_tsquery ($3)
        ELSE TRUE
    AND ($4 = '' OR type = $4::list_type)
    AND ($5 = '' OR optin = $5::list_optin)
    AND (CARDINALITY($6::VARCHAR(100)[]) = 0 OR $6 <@ tags)
statuses AS (
        SUM(subscriber_count) as subscriber_count,
        COALESCE(JSONB_OBJECT_AGG(status, subscriber_count) FILTER (WHERE status IS NOT NULL), '{}') AS subscriber_statuses
    FROM mat_list_subscriber_stats
    GROUP BY list_id
SELECT ls.*, COALESCE(ss.subscriber_statuses, '{}') AS subscriber_statuses
    FROM ls LEFT JOIN statuses ss ON ( = ss.list_id) ORDER BY %order%;

Looking at the original query, and knowing that you on your side are able to sort by Subscribers (subscriber_count) where is the expose subscriber_count coming from?

knadh commented 1 month ago

subscriber_count is in the materialized view that's setup during installation.

Can you try describing the schema of the materialized view?

listmonk=# \d mat_list_subscriber_stats;
             Materialized view "public.mat_list_subscriber_stats"
      Column      |           Type           | Collation | Nullable | Default 
 updated_at       | timestamp with time zone |           |          | 
 list_id          | integer                  |           |          | 
 status           | subscription_status      |           |          | 
 subscriber_count | bigint                   |           |          | 
    "mat_list_subscriber_stats_idx" UNIQUE, btree (list_id, status)