In practice, this allows you to provide a class to make an image float, and set its width to a nice value. Currently this functionality is still possible with raw HTML:
If @yuin/goldmark, which listmonk uses for parsing Markdown, has support for this, there is no problem in enabling it. From a cursory look, I am not sure if it supports though.
Pandoc can be used to generate HTML content from a template HTML file, CSS styling and markdown content.
With it, you can specify attributes (id, class, width, height) for things, such as:
Links and images:
See: (Extension: link_attributes)
See: (Extension: header_attributes)
In practice, this allows you to provide a class to make an image float, and set its width to a nice value. Currently this functionality is still possible with raw HTML:
It would be a big QoL improvement (but understandably not be high priority as raw HTML allows for this and more).