I am running Listmonk v3.0.0 in Docker basically using the instructions from mariushosting. Before I perform any upgrades on my containers I shut them down, then copy the directory of the container placing it in a backup location (and labeling it with the version it was).
I tried following the instructions about upgrading from the github page for 4.0.1 but I think I'm missing something.
After SSHing into the appropriate hardware I cd into the directory there listmonk's docker-compose.yml is located
docker-compose down (or in my case, I fire up Portainer and shut down the Listmonk containers)
docker-compose pull && docker-compose run --rm app ./listmonk --upgrade
Here are my results:
And, here is my (redacted) docker-compose.yml. Any detailed instructions on how to actually accomplish the upgrade would be very appreciated.
I am running Listmonk v3.0.0 in Docker basically using the instructions from mariushosting. Before I perform any upgrades on my containers I shut them down, then copy the directory of the container placing it in a backup location (and labeling it with the version it was).
I tried following the instructions about upgrading from the github page for 4.0.1 but I think I'm missing something.
And, here is my (redacted) docker-compose.yml. Any detailed instructions on how to actually accomplish the upgrade would be very appreciated.
version: "3.9" services: db: image: postgres container_name: Listmonk-DB hostname: listmonk-db mem_limit: 512m cpu_shares: 768 security_opt:
/volume1/docker/cdc/listmonk/db:/var/lib/postgresql/data:rw environment: POSTGRES_DB: listmonk POSTGRES_USER: listmonkuser POSTGRES_PASSWORD: listmonkpass restart: on-failure:5
listmonk: image: listmonk/listmonk:latest
command: [sh, -c, "yes | ./listmonk --install"] # only first startup ! or the db wipe every time
container_name: Listmonk hostname: listmonk mem_limit: 512m cpu_shares: 768 security_opt: