knah / Il2CppAssemblyUnhollower

A tool to generate Managed->IL2CPP proxy assemblies
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
499 stars 88 forks source link

How to use. #84

Open brenicus opened 2 years ago

brenicus commented 2 years ago

This may seem like a dumb question but this has me alittile stumped, how do i use this tool with dummy .dll's i extracted with cpp2il. Do i need deobf? where are system libs? do i need to specify mscorlib? where would that be? how do i get wasm framework? so on. It may be a bit dumb but some help would mean alot.

ds5678 commented 2 years ago

I assume you're trying to mod a WASM game, and that's why you're not using a conventional Unity mod loader. Although Cpp2IL supports WASM, I'm fairly certain that this won't work for you. Unhollower requires your game to have a GameAssembly.dll file, and I don't think web assembly games do.

brenicus commented 2 years ago

Apologies, Im not trying to use this on a wasm, i have the GameAssembly.dll and all the other essential game files, I just dont understand how i would script this out, I've been using the command 'AssemblyUnhollower.exe --input=<'cpp2il_out dir'> --output=<'output dir'>' and others like it but it gives me a syntax error, i cant get it for some reason.